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Konigs the Unifier Axis has to surrender under great Allied pressure from "K" man

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Poor Algerians fall under the boot of Imperialism, Kreigsmarine wipes coast of France Clean, Armee Grup Sud recaptures Odessa, Rostov quickly becoming a Launching point for future operations, massed Soviets forces in a dangerous Salient... smile.gif

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Counter attack in Russia...One corp lays dead on the frozen waste land. Another survives by luck...Rostov is retaken...

Graf Spree is heavily damaged and barely afloat. (Again luck has intervened for the Axis.)

In Africa...US troops move into Tunisia. Italian corp is just barely killed (luck finally runs out for the axis.) British troops are on the move from the east near Tobruk.

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Italian paratroopers on a one way mission surround entire allied desert forces, Allied HQ eliminated, blockade gonna sink another Italian army, Armee Grup Sud offensive in full swing, Armee grup Centre comes in from the north, Armee grup Nord assaulting Soviet cities, Kriegsmarine pulls back to fight another day.... smile.gif

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Turn 100 coming up. Feb 1943.

British are caught off guard by Italian paratrooper (good move & unexpected.) Supply is cut down low for the remaining HQ and troops in Libya. But as bleak as things seemed, O'connor is able to regroup the remaining troops. The brave Italian paratroopers are cut down and one German corp is destroyed. Italian army transport indeed is sunk in the waters (he will not be given a chance to fight.)

In Russia, counterattacks continue as the Panzer II's are demolished by the T-34's...

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Desert force launchs assualt, 7th Armor a smoking wreck, O'connor on the run, Italian planes hit a carrier, Armee grups Sud and Centre press home the winter offensive, Armee grup Nord presses offensive and runs into a Counter attack force trying to surround another city.... smile.gif

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Devasting turn for the Axis. Russians counterattack with a vengeance (for all their fallen comrades.) Turns into quite a bloodbath...Fortunately for the axis, the rain slows the attack. It could have been worse...

Attacks proceed in the desert as well on both fronts. US starts attack on Tripoli. O'Connor has not fled, but knocks out another German unit (revenge for the destruction of the 7th armored division.)

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Axis take Kharkov and continue the battle on the Eastern front, The WDF army goes down in the desert, situation precarious on both fronts, Speer asked for more and newer weapons.... smile.gif

Looking bleak for Axis forces... Excellent game by K man... smile.gif

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Konigs is a tough opponent...He has also played an excellant game.

Russia frees Kharkov from axis troops but unable to regain control. The battles continue on front. More Germans are destroyed.

UK pulls back its forces to Eygpt. US continues advance into Libya. Takes Tripoli.

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Allies wrapping up operations in Africa. Last remnant of German attack force is destroyed in the desert. All that remains are two HQ's. Commando operation is brought about to sink that pesky Italian Sub in Tobruk port (since the airforces nor ship bombardments did any damage previous turn.)

Plans being drawn up for next operation...

Meanwhile on the Russian front, things are still relatively quiet for July 43. (Probably due to the amount of offensives during the winter of 42/43.)

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Allied liberation of Africa is complete as last stronghold is taken (Tobruk.) Churchill finally sends O'Connor that bottle of wine...

Greece is also liberated from the tyranny...

Bombing begins on Rome...

More bombings on the French coast, as German engineer is attacked on the French coast.

The Russian Offensive has begun...The Russians move causiously against the Germans...

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Axis launch counter attack trying to stem the flood of the Red army, Italians try to bomb Malta into submission, too busy fighting fighter to get the bombers, Engineers pick a better spot to build fortifications... smile.gif

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Axis continue assault on unentrenched Soviets units, OKW wonders when and where powerful west Allies will strike next, many planes flying out of England and North Africa, Italian commandos assault Algeria to no avail.. smile.gif

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September 1943. The Allies have struck in France. Brest is the first city liberated on the Freedom march.

Allies also strike at the Italian Airforces on Sicily. Both fighter groups are caught on the ground and are wiped out before they are able to fly...It will be extremely tough for Italy to replace these...

Some more skirmishes on the Russian front. More Germans are KIA...

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Planes fly in the East, Counterattack in full swing the West, Luftwaffe, Kreigsmarine and the Wermacht fully committed, Planes in England take punishment, as do ground forces near Brest, Italinas shake under bombardment of British air as well as RN... smile.gif

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