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Konigs the Unifier Axis has to surrender under great Allied pressure from "K" man

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Please read from bottom up, this was taken directly form our one long e-mail replied turn for turn, enjoy... smile.gif

Brave French Gendarmes die before gates of Paris, Danish except German occupation forces to stave British imperialistic aggression...

France welcomes reinforcements on the front line. Will try to hold off German

forces as long as possible.

OKH supplies army well for winter campaign, Pressure kept up on the


OKH orders punishing assualts on french armies, Ribbentrop notices

efforts by Allies to anger Itialians.... smile.gif

French reinforcements arrive. Counter attacks on the German


Goebbels rails against British assault on defenselees Norway,

Hitler promises Nordic Brothers actions to dispel British imperialist


Britain adds Norway to the British Empire. Still searching for

convoy raiders...

Benelux reluctantly joins the Reich after brief resistance,

trains at full speed...

Allied forces continue to dig in...Britain issues new orders on

convoy escorts...

At Hitler's demand, OKH and OKW draw up plans for resoultion

of the Western powers, all railroads moving at Max capacity....

France & Britain thank Poland for their early surrender. The

allies prepare for the inevitable conflict in the west.

Polish apologize for assault on German soil and are

allowed to join the Reich, not much in the west, ....

The battle begins...Polish forces pull back. Hoping for

some quick help from France and Britain (They are not falling for that German

propaganda.) All quiet on the western front...

The wait is over, battle on dude....

Axis forces smash accross Polish border to defend

Germany's honor, after vicious assault on border radio station by Polish


[ March 30, 2007, 11:33 PM: Message edited by: Konigs ]

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Its late April 1940. The Germans have just about surrounded Paris. New & Improved weapons arrive for the infantry... Unfortunately it will be much too late...Our French Char B heavy tanks are strategicly placed in the city of France. More than a match for his Panzer II's, III's, and 38t's.

So what's the trick to adding pictures here?

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The weather clears...opening the skys for the mighty RAF. Multiple hits made on Corp division, who is advanceing deep into French territory (far from Lufftwaffe cover.)

In other news...(in the Atlantic,) the German U-boat that attempted to escape the British and French depth charges, is found again and damaged.

The French can only hope for more rain to slow the German advance...

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Mud in June continues to slow the Wermacht and keep Luftwaffe planes grounded, Paris is cut off from the rest of France, gearing up for long war is order of the day, U-30 continues to seek escape from Cruisers and depth charges... smile.gif

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Much more of the same...

German corp division continues to test the resolve of Imperialist Airpower. Pounded on the coast of France. Unfortunately some of the fighters remained grounded as well, due to the weather...

German U-boat continues to be tracked. Damaged from last encounter left a trail for UK Battleship to spot...Position was radioed to Cruisers in area and subsequently sunk...

In other fighting...Tobruk has been bombed and bombarded from the coast in Africa...

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Reports pour in from spies...(It seems the Wermacht soldiers had too much to drink in France. Doesn't take much for French women to extract some German plans.) Remember women & drinking don't mix...

Italian Amphibious transports spotted/bombed off African coast near Tripoli. Reports come in of German transports coming into Tripoli.

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Subs try to attack carrier force in the straights, first sub unsuccessful second one hits home, OKW begins to make plans for newly experienced Wermacht army and Luftwaffe... smile.gif

OKH listens in and wonders why British believe reports of troops landing in Tripoli... smile.gif

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Heavily damaged sub (unable to make it back to port) is sunk by the RAF and Battleship in straight. Same battleship follows a possible trajectory of other U-boat trying to make escape, and runs into sub...(making it a easy target for the Royal Navy...(Sunk out in the cold Atlantic...)

In other news...Conflicting reports are coming out of Africa. German Propaganda machine is feeding Allied airways with "small forces in Tripoli for defensive purposes." Yet our intelligence suggest otherwise. More Italians arrive, and German troops are on the move to east...

Tobruk is overrun by Allied forces...

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Romanians remind Churchill of his vicious assualt on the peace loving Norwegians, who are now treated like slaves in their own mines, sending ore to the British as tribute, also how they assaulted the peace loving Lybians, who can not help their masters are Italians, then they convince the Hungarians to join the effort to restore peace and order to the world, Italian sub tries to run again, too many cruisers cruising, assault on Tobruk continues.... smile.gif

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