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Does shorebombardment give Russian cruisers experience?

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Shore bombardment gives only 0.05 experience, so if you choose in the options to show experience as medals instead of the exact amount, then you will not see the experience until at least 7 bombardements - nevertheless ships still collect (a bit) experience.

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And so.

Two powerful players right here on hand,

Ready, set - to go! smile.gif

How about?

Public AAR, played TCP?

Terif ... as Allies.

jon_j_rambo ... as Axis.

Let's see IF

The Allies have a chance,

As a few have said they - do not,

Or not.

I for one would surely enjoy

Seeing this pure power encounter.

Plus, we'd ALL learn a lot. :cool:

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Thanks Yoda. I'm seeing the medals bar experience for other units, so it much be the case that I haven't done 7+ attacks with one ship just yet. Been rotating them around a little in my first game against Liam.

Always ask the green man...

@DDave --- My ranking has fallen in SC, I'm behind DragonSlow, but I guess #3 ain't bad.

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Hi Desert Dave,

at the moment both sides have a good chance to win - most likely the one with the more experienced commander smile.gif .

Players have many opportunities to mess it up - e.g. declaring war to the "wrong" nation/ in the wrong order, neglecting their guards at the russian border (1941 there is an additional one needed ;) ). So who just plays without caring about the rules will surely be beaten by any player who already knows them smile.gif .

I guess the most frequently "used" :D opportunity will be to miscalculate when to start buying troops and stop investing in tech. Since there is a production delay of several months, players need to start producing troops at the right time spot or they will be overrun while still waiting for their units...

As Allies it is key to be patient and not attack too soon - otherwise they are doomed if Axis did it right till then. So any impatient player will have a problem when playing Allies and most likely go down - as Axis it is no problem to simply go ahead and attack everything in the way. But as Allies this tactic will be deadly against any able opponent - so in this sense, Allies are more demanding to play smile.gif .

[ April 17, 2006, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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Terif, KNOWING a thing or 2:

As Allies it is key to be patient and not attack too soon - otherwise they are doomed if Axis did it right till then. So any impatient player will have a problem when playing Allies and most likely go down...

Couldn't agree more,


For those that really like to raid

And conquer and finally, parade.

Hard to then switch-over

And become the Zen Warrior,

Content with apparently ephemeral

Accomplishment. smile.gif


Incidentally, and consequent of nothing

At all, IE, a bit O/T,

When I lived in GErmany

Those 4 years,

I really enjoyed

Cologne in the rain,

How it made that brilliant Cathedral there

Seem as if

It had been constructed by ancient gods,

Determined to show HOW

A thing of lasting beauty

MIGHT inspire and, infuse

The casual observer

With an... ever-lasting inner-fire.

The kind... can NEVER... be kicked

Into dying embers. :cool:

[ April 17, 2006, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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