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Camp Rambo backing Hubert, take your time kid, make SC-2 awesome!

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Hubert said

we are just testing through a few new developments before the next AAR. Hmmm... did I mention the Network Timer and Pause function? Well that new feature comes to mind
Did anybody catch this reply by Hubert? This dude is putting cool stuff in. So what am I saying to all you clowns complaining? Lay off, Hubert. Features are going in, and not all these stupid suggestins, but the things the Legend needs & recommend.

Everybody, stay off Hubert's back & chill out. Know your role, & shut your hole.

Doing my job, so Hubert can do his,


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

So what am I saying to all you clowns complaining? Lay off, Hubert. Features are going in, and not all these stupid suggestins, but the things the Legend needs & recommend.

Everybody, stay off Hubert's back & chill out. Know your role, & shut your hole.

Mega LOL! well yeah just lets just calm down in here Johnny.

Let me quote something for you;

Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

John, I think it is fair to say that everyone sees your posts for what they are... so I ask you, is it really that hard to post constructive criticism rather than constant insults?

As I've said before many times on this forum, I am open to constructive comments and in fact encourage it, but your recent posts have been nothing more than drivel and my patience is honestly wearing thin.

Please consider how hard everyone is working here, much of it on their own free time, as I politely ask you to reconsider your tone.



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