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My first game - impressions

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Just finished my first full version game as Axis. It is great game but (there is always some but ;) ) I have lots of questions and few suggestions.


1. How can I get elite reinforcement?

2. Can I cancel unit production in production screen?

3. Port range for supply naval units?

4. November in Russia and still is a mud? Come on in Russia it’s snowing in October


1. In purchase menu I would like to see when units will be done before buying.

2. On main interface I would like to see weather forecast for next turn

3. I would like to see notice when I reach maximum in some research technology

4. Haven’t seen that Germany gets MPP from neutral USSR like Hubert said?

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1- You need to be at maximum STR and not next to an enemy unit, only 1 elite at a time (its in the manual)

2- No.

3- Also in the manual, Bill went through alot of trouble making it so I`m going to say manual instead of giving answers.

4- Those are percentages, it CAN and HAS occured. Slight but possible.


1- You do, it states how many turns it takes per unit, next to how many you can buy. (Corps are 3 turns for example).

2- Hmmm, would take away alot of the trouble weather is causing, which it should not. Just wait for the proper seasons to conduct offensives.

3- You do see a notice, it becomes RED. It is up to you to watch you tech and manually remove your tech, if you forget, your loss of half those mpps.

4- It does not. I know there was heavy trading historically, but for the game, Germany is fine.

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1. How can I get elite reinforcement?

2. Can I cancel unit production in production screen?

3. Port range for supply naval units?

4. November in Russia and still is a mud? Come on in Russia it’s snowing in October

1) Based on experience medals. Right-click on unit and you'll see the drop down menu, though, you can only add these... ONE at a time.

2) No. Just be sure you want what you thought you wanted. ;)

3) No short answer, so I'd say... look in the SC-2 Manual, oh, around page 100 I think, and you'll see a table that clearly illustrates all the supply rules.

Really fantastic job that Bill/pzgndr did on that Manual, and I hope everyone uses it... LOTS of helpful stuff in there. :cool:

4) Weather is variable, and fairly historically based, I think you'll find. As with just about all else, can be edited though if you want snow in Russia more often? smile.gif


LOL, and so, Blashy answered as well, well,

Two is better than none, eh? smile.gif

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