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Taojah Must Die Liam Vs Tao

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Yes Yes Yes, Long awaited AAR


Poland is taken down without a Hassle and without a Fight, slow slow transfer to the West, Weather breaks in April/May of 1940

The Slow Transfer is for the Revealing of Wonder Weapons, yet to be revealed. Benelux and France are assaulted Fully, A French Army die. Benelux Surrenders. Italy sneaks through the Alps and Captures 2 unprotected French cities, with the German FSJ operations the Maginot Line is cut off from Paris. French Tanks still hold and dig in, in Paris.

German U-Boat is killed of the American Coast trying to find Neutral Waters!

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1940: French threw in their cards, the British went on the offensive in the Middle East and the Royal Navy duked it out with the Kriegsmarine. End Result is the RN is slightly dented and the Kriegsmarine utterly destroyed.

The British are being very aggressive in the med and have managed to do a very decent job of extorting time out of Axis Forces, Romania and Hungary joined the Axis. Vichy is invaded and the next phase to the game is on.

The Axis are Gambling a bit, this strategy may or may not Payoff, time will tell

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The Spanish Surrender to Germany. All Axis Minors in the fold. North Africa is in flames, Alexandria captured by Germany.

The Entire Kriegsmarine except one BB is sunk.

The German Nation shows no Mercy to nations like Spain not seeing our vision, there will be no end to to our conquests even at the loss of our grand surface fleet.

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After the conquer of the entire Middle East and the subsequent abandonement of Egypt by their main forces, the British forces are waiting their turn, cheered up by the utter destruction of the German fleet.

In the mean time, the minor troops are holding off the Germans and Italians as long as possible in Cairo, but it's obviously a lost fight...

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Late Summer of '41... German Forces along with their Italian Allies take control of the Suez Canal and liberate Syria, Iraq is next... Egypt will also fall on the following turn. Gibraltar was part of the Greater German Reich last round... Things are going precisely as planned, the only axe to grind is with this Aggressive Dictator in the East, Stalin, we fear the Red Giant must be put in his place and we intend to do this soon! smile.gif

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1941 Barbarossa has begun


The German's are split into two Army Groups, A & B. A aimed toward the Center, ignoring the Northern Regions of Russia, i.e. Leningrad. Smolensk-Moscow Primary Objectives.. Thus far reaching the outskirts of Smolensk 6 months into the Campaign. South front compromised of Army Group B is too smash through the Ukraine and on toward Stalingrad.. So far this objective is not achieved and Ukraine including Kiev is ablaze...

1 Russian Corps, 1 Army and 1 Tank are destroyed attempting to prevent this, with the Siberian Transport and Ural moving toward Full Production...

Meanwhile in The South in the Caucasus Mountains there is Commando Raids through Iraq and Iran destroying Russian Oil Fields and Baku, a rich Natural Resource Center for the Soviet Government.

We await the head on clash with the Soviet Main Body Force which so far has unsuccessfully managed to entrench, fortify, build up ditches and barbwire to prevent an Axis Onslaught.

the German Army is Highly Mobile, every German trooper is now either on a Motor Bike or the back of an Opel Blitz. There are no walking Troops, Mobility 2... Plus Heavy Panzer Mark IVs are increased in speed and agility with new Diesel engines capable of outmaneuvering anything the Russians have. Despite a Harsh First Winter, we've surpassed the Allies in every way shape and form

In The West Benelux is liberated but only temporarily... Premature D-Day and it'll be repelled with all the Might and Fury of the Reich

USA has entered the war

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Originally posted by Liam:

In The West Benelux is liberated but only temporarily... Premature D-Day and it'll be repelled with all the Might and Fury of the Reich

Nononononooooo... that's not a D-Day ! That's just to keep a couple of German troops busy.

You'll know when the real D-Day has arrived, trust me !!!

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Well, I have grossly underestimated Taojah,

roughly 10 Allied, 15 Axis...take part in a great Battle over Belgium, France and the Netherlands. Only 2 Luftflottes put the Allies in their place... Turning the tide, Rommel personally in command of the forward units.

During the Battle of France and the Low Countries, 2 Allied Fighters were shot down by Superior Luftwaffe Aces. An American Carrier nearly sunk, flaming so bad that it's crewmen were watched by Divebombing aces jumping over board, it will have to be tugged back to port. The Italian navy along with the Bismark Flame the entirety of the British Admiralty, 2/3rds of the Allied Surface fleet is gone. Crossing Gibraltar and sneaking up from Brest the Channel collision of Massive Surface Firepower ended in hundreds of thousands of tonnage at the bottom of the North Sea. Superior Gun Radar of the Axis Fleets made it impossible for the British Mini BattleCruisers to Resist the Italian and German Salvos hammering their decks.

The Bismark set into Port and is the only surviving Axis Surface Boat, showing the Pride of the German Navy and it's unwillingness to yield to the Oppressive British and American Will upon High Seas..

The Operations on Land were not much better for the Allies, they managed to kill off two panzers and a corps but for nothing. In the end their were so many Axis units pushing that our vehicles virtually drove them into the Marshes of the Lowlands and into the Canals... Until it no less than a second Dunkirk.

This is very good as things were looking bleak after the liberation of Paris by British Commandos. Though shortlived, As Paris fell back into the Axis of their Rightful Owners just a few turns later. Overinvestment in Bombers and in Aircraft...plus poor naval planning has left the Allies with one arm in the West, we fill there shall be no significant threat there.

However all's quiet on the Eastern Front, and this disturbs the Axis High Command a great deal. What Monsterous invasion shall cometh from the East? What Barbaric Horde will attempt to Sack the new Rome of Europe?

[ March 11, 2007, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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Gee, you can spin the truth around very well, hehe.

The entire German and Italian navy were sunk except one single ship and you call it "it's unwillingness to wield". I won't hand out classified information about how many Allied ships survived but it were a hell of a lot more then you say !

Your summary of "they managed to kill off two panzers and a corps for nothing" should read "he managed to make me pay 250 MPP to operate half my units all the way east to countries that I thought were save, he regained alot of ground in Russia, he built extra fortifications all over the place, he made me pay 2O0 MPP to operate all back east AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT he managed to kill three units."

That should set the record straight :)

Now, back to Russia !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Game finally up after getting my license and a reinstall smile.gif lordy the pitfalls of working on machines!

Tao, you just are peed that my troops kick butt with their awesome motors and their long range fighters. No need for top secret I can read you like a book, you are avoiding the meatgrinder! smile.gif

The Russians make amphibious landings and take Danzig and Odessa and in the West the American's kill off a few Axis Land Units but that's about it.

Currently, N.Africa, MidEast and all of Europe is Axis. The Allies have Scandanavia altogether but Denmark. The Line in Russia is from Leningrad, through Moscow, past the Mines and Axis troops are poised to push to the Volga. There are very powerful Russian Units but they're behind some minor fortifications and there is plenty of Axis Air to pound the hell outta of anything that stick's it's ugly head out. There are more Axis Land Units than Russian at this time! So the Axis High Command is confidant of an Axis victory in 6 months to a year...

In the West, the other concern is that Brest has fallen to the Infidels, but German forts are holding out against the puny and impotent attacks made by the Western Allies and their massive Air Fleets. smile.gif

Of course the sacrifice of the Axis Navy was neccessary and it's not needed now... We dominate all land and have every tech there is for Armies and Corps, Tanks are level2, Fighters level3 and LR4. Allies are trailing, they just have a lot of bombers and tanks that will not stop my Juggernaut tongue.gif

as of now, the Axis launched a counteroffensive, killing a Russian Tank behind a river in Russia, re-established dominance of Odessa slowly removing the defenders in Konisburg... And dug in the West waiting for the real Allied attempt to break loose! Good game so far didn't know tao was pretty good

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News Flash: Russian Invasion of Poland!!!

Straight from Goebbels HQ, Live BroadCast

Along with their infidel British CommunistLover Ally Britian, nearly a million Russian and British Troops land in Konisberg in order to push into Warsaw. Linking up through the Baltic States, some units were operated in and some were transported in by Danzig!

This grand scale invasion is greater than that in Normandy, they end up killing the German garrison there An Army... and quickly the GHC answers with re deployment of the entire German Army to answer this threat before it becomes out of hand. While this occurs Americans and Russians attack vigorously on two fronts, creating a three front confrontation.. Russians kill a German HQ!!! Miracle, Motors2!!! They've stolen our technology with those Russian Lady Spies via Switzerland, Our Chancellor informs Germany that all German Leadership caught with ties to the Lucy Spy Ring shall be summarily executed!

Regardless of these setbacks, the Hardened German Soldat proves his worth. Firing away at Russians and British, Panzers moving to crush newly landed units before they can establish supply lines, and get their tank motors running. The German Airforce volleying thousands of bombs on these new invaders to prevent them from gaining ground and the morale to fight. We're uncertian if this is enough, but this is the Greatest Battle of the War

5-6 Russian Land Units, Several British, 2 HQs, vs the Might of the German Army... Of which we shall not reveal!!! Soon We shall show them the double-edged sword of our Brave Soldats!

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The failed invasion of Poland

Stalin is seen publicly denouncing the invasion and there will executions to follow, nearly every Soviet Soldier involved in the campaign is dead. The Soviet leadership will soon escape with their tails between their legs to be evacuated to the Goulag. The British have retreated further West trying to link up with their American friends! Cowards! Just as Chancellor Liam predicted the war shall end shortly and abruptly no matter how long the Western Allies attempt to continue this Unjust Fight.

The Soviergn nations of Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland all seek to rejoin the patriotic cause against Tyranny and evil. Soon there will be no place for these Vile Allied Democracies with their corrupt ideals and their Communist Thugs to Hide!

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/shakes his head at all the lies

What REALLY happened is that the German invasion of Russia was stopped dead in it's tracks by a brave group of Russian and British soldiers that attacked the Germans troops from behind, by landing in a suiside mission around Koninsgberg.

The target of this brave attack wasn't Warshaw but was to buy Russia more time... Time to get some vital tech advances (check), time to get some extra tanks in the field (check), time to form some extra armies (check), time to get some extra fortifictions up (check)...

The rear-attack ensured that Germany will most likely not be able to take Moscow in 1943 even though it's only defended lightly.

Oh... one more itsie pitsie tiny detail that the German propaganda machine doesn't want you to know : the Americans just liberated Paris...

Try to spin THAT fact around !!!

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Minister of Propaganda is just that ;) However the stories of Fatherland's Heroic Feats will not be undersold by these pathetic puny halftruths!

A Russian HQ is lost in the Baltic due to our superb Stuka divebombers and the sole remaining German Battleship! smile.gif It will not be sesurfacing, I suppose Stalin did that on purpose! The Goal was Warsaw and his Imminence would not be rejected without total victory.. How can you win when your leaders are so cold and cruel. Come to the Righteous Side.

2 UK Units and 1 American will be removed from the 'rebuild' list for all eternity as Brave German soldats on all fronts counterattack! Now the entire Invasion Army that entered Konsiberg are completely and utterly destroyed with both Allied HQs...Regardless of not reaching our goals in Moscow if that truly is our goal? smile.gif Perhaps there is 10 Level 5 subs awaiting The British in Vichy, perhaps smile.gif you'll soon see the Power of the Dark Side

Last turn -10 Allied Units

-1 or 2 Axis

These stats are not inflation, they're fact.

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1 corps in the Donetz, 5-6 Russian Units and an HQ in the Danzig Pocket. 3-4 UK units in the Danzig Pocket with HQ...

Plus 1 US Army in France... ;) I think my estimates were a bit too modest, but that is alright...

Prepare to meet you creator, my superior powers are beyond your puny abilities


Originally posted by TaoJah:

-10 Allied units ? You must have been drinking too much of that French wine you rapidly took away when Paris fell !

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Originally posted by Liam:

1 corps in the Donetz, 5-6 Russian Units and an HQ in the Danzig Pocket. 3-4 UK units in the Danzig Pocket with HQ...

Plus 1 US Army in France... ;)

Lies, all lies !

That's spread out over 5 turns ! You know the 5 turns that you needed to get into Russia in 43, the 5 turns that I had research break-through, the 5 turns that I build two more fortifications, the 5 turns that I had an extra 3500 MPP for the Allied, the 5 turns where I could place an extra 10 Russian troops, the 5 turns that...

/takes a breath

All lies !!!

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::evil cackle::

Not lies merely the inevitable predicted word for word over a matter of time. When one performs a feat over several turns in one swift action withlittle or no losses to themselves it is a point of view. ;) Which is quite accurate.

A Russian Armor Bites the Dust near Kharkov by Stuka Tank Killers...along with 2 elite German Corps

Russian Fighters attempt to prevent this with their latest and greatest Lavochin Super Fighters but they're no match for the FW190D

It is a pity not all 8 Axis Fighters could engage you, for this little war in the East would be over already ::smirks:: mud is all you've got however, mud has also turned your American French Liberation into a slow grinding painful Campaign. That's quite alright it'll give us time to add our 9th Axis Fighter and upgrade them beyond you

We too have been busy beez ;) and have replaced all of our losses and built every Army, Corp and by next Summer we hope to add every Fighter available Lies tongue.gif or yet again another prophetic prediction? smile.gif

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Major Battle around Kharkov!

several Russian Fighters of the Advanced Super Red Fighter Wing are encountered by German Land Forces, in just the nick of time, level4. Though only a few hundred could be killed on the ground, the newly captured aircraft will be taken back to the Reich and studied. As far as Red Reinforcements we're not certian where they may be located, afraid perhaps 25 Red units attempt another suicidal liberation of Poland!

Regardless, Level3 Russian Tanks sit behind Kharkov guarding it closely and the GHC isn't certian how many others lurketh about the Steppe, so Germans manuever very very slowly...

in The West it's a Disaster, there are more Western Airfleets than land units and they're using Surrendered German FORTS! What an exploit tongue.gif German units have just exchanged themselves for Americans, no real great achievements yet aside from Paris

As far as Italy, constant Struggle with Brit Commandos

and in the Caucasus a Ruskie Corps is close to meeting his doom

So far as I can tell there is about to be a hole about as wide as France through Southern Front in Russia without some expert Red Defense!

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Russian's penetrate into Iraq and Iran, heavy armored columns unstoppable by the weak Mountain Trained Garrisons

In the West, Bordeux fallen, great loss for the defenders there. Although France is still only partially Liberated. That is one plus

In the East, Russians lose an armor and retake 2 mines.. Moving in position to threaten the German advance. They'd abandoned their positions around Kharkov but do not attempt to hold rather to rally forces elsewhere for offensive and defensive OPs.

Germans violently strike out Finland take the Capitol and now threaten of all of Scandanavia...

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Hmmm, that AAR was very truthful : it mentioned the relentless Allied advances in Russia, the huge amount of Allied body bags in France and the loss of the Middle east.

I wonder what the next AAR will say...

Or shall we keep the details private and just say that the Axis saw that there was no point in fighting on anymore after the latest Allied moves ?

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End Game:

British and American Paras drop behind the lines with a secret weapon kept from the GHC for the last 2 years of the War. Longe Range commandos take both Munich and Berlin. Didn't see this LR and was cleverly concealed until they were used! Even had Russian Partisans scouting and drawing the Berlin Garrison

The war was pretty much a seesaw, I'd say honestly the Axis had a great advantage early in tech but the Allies caught up. The Russians were pretty stagnate and not used properly. Though the USA and UK were both well used sacrificially until the end where they opened up... Both sides were prettye even going into 1944.

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