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Interesting review of SC2WaW and 39 scenario from a friend

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I am playing the 39 campaign on the expansion packet as the Axis. I'm into summer of 43.

France is really tough and I took a few losses (a little more sloppy than I would normally play) and it took me until the late summer of 40 to finsih them off.

He looked weak in GB and so I created an invasion force and stormed ashore in late 40 early 41. I committed about 90% of my forces in GB and then I get a "warning" that Russia is building up forces along the Eastern front and I need to increase my garrison. I send a single corp (seems like three always worked before in the old game). The very next turn the Russians enter the war. I refused to panic and so I ended up taking GB and slowly sent a battered army against the Russians. They push to one hex of Berlin before I have enough force to counter attack. It was touchy for a while and it seemed like he had endless units (I counted at least 6 armored corps on the board in one turn). But, their inexperience and the computer's constant need to "attack, attack" no matter what saved me in the end. Currently, I'm into summer of 43 with Leningrad taken and at the steps of a heavily fortified Moscow.

Meanwhile, the Brits took Africa very easily as I was a little occuped with this huge Russian army knocking on Hitler's front door. The US entered but have been used piecemeal and without "thought". But, its been fun.

Things I like:

1. I really like the artillery; it can be used on the offensive and defensive. If used right, a few artillery could really make defensive positions very difficult to take.

2. German garrison appears in Norway automatically to prevent GB from stationing troops offshore. Once Norway surrenders, three partial German corps appear in the North. Nice.

3. I like the AA units, but they can only be used once per turn. So, if 9 bombers bomb the same city, the AA only works the first time. However, you can increase the AA bonus in the city itself which is used each turn.

4. Armor units get two attacks per turn. Can be a good thing (usually is), but also means the armor can take casulties twice.

5. I like the Destroyer build. Nice compromise for the Brits and US.

6. I like the "sack" option where you can replace a HQ leader for a small fee.

7. I like the tactical bombers as well.

Things I don't like:

1. Artillery units get way to powerful and are the best overall unit in the game by 42-43. They gain crazy experience because they never take losses (or rarely if you play it right). I have a few artillery corps with 15 points and cause 3 damage each and every time they shoot. They need to cut back on their power some I think.

2. Tactical bombers are also very powerful.

3. Scapa Flow in North GB cannot be taken by the Germans. Remains a Brit port no matter what. Some bug I guess.

Overall, I like the choices you must make it turn, overall a good game.

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