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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by arado234:

Lars im not sure what your getting at about the Mark #S.

The Mark V 1943(about.6500 built)

The Mark VI one and two 1942(about 1900 built).

Ever wonder why the Mark VI came out before the Mark V? </font>
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Ah, pardon.

Not near "nuts & bolts" enuff,

I am doing foolish stuff again.


I was - pretending to be

The old-days... Kuni.

When he was abrim

With outrageous Loki-like banter.

Alas, now - and how?

I ain't actually got much clue,

He's gotten... "normalized,"

And, institutionally true. :(

Wasn't how he once was constituted, but,

Shoot the blue right outta the Moon,

What CAN you do?

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

Is it vital to know? tongue.gif

It is if you want to discuss manufacturing. ;)

Tiger was actually designed pre-war but rejected. When it came time though, it was a much simpler tank to produce. All flat plate. Still, had major transmission (and other) problems due to weight, and was very expensive to produce.

The Panther was a rush job (so got the earlier Mark number), but even so, the Germans, being Germans, did their usual over-engineering job, even while trying to avoid over-engineering it. The Americans just gyro-stabilized the gun. The Germans stabilized the whole damn tank, making the chassis extremely complex. And they didn't have the machine tools to do the gearing right, leading to frequent breakdowns.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Desert Dave:

Is it vital to know? tongue.gif

It is if you want to discuss manufacturing. ;)

Tiger was actually designed pre-war but rejected. When it came time though, it was a much simpler tank to produce. All flat plate. Still, had major transmission (and other) problems due to weight, and was very expensive to produce.

The Panther was a rush job (so got the earlier Mark number), but even so, the Germans, being Germans, did their usual over-engineering job, even while trying to avoid over-engineering it. The Americans just gyro-stabilized the gun. The Germans stabilized the whole damn tank, making the chassis extremely complex. And they didn't have the machine tools to do the gearing right, leading to frequent breakdowns. </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

Well, first off, skip the carb and go fuel injected with turbo.

Carbs are cheaper to work with, but the real fun lies the other way. You might find these interesting.


A MegaSquirt!

By Bowling & Grippo!


Danke Minnetonka!

I could maybe use that to power up

The pop-top on my '71 VW Kamper Wagen? :cool:

[... actually, IMO only, the Americans

haven't made a decent auto since

'round about 1971, but, that's another

topic for another day, eh?]

Anyway, haven't had such a swell belly-laugh

Since, well, just yesterday it was,

Watching while my crazy majestic cat

Chased after a newly falling leaf!


There was this clumsy-dusty desert breeze

And that (... deceased, yet! Still alive

and kicking! Same as humans

once they run out of gas and leave) leaf

Would swerve & sway,

Near to the earth only!

To - suddenly - fly high away! well,

That cat's au naturel antics got me laughing

So very long and hard,

That I couldn't remember

ONE... single... thing

RE: Production #'s of WW2!

OK, OK, I hear! The majority, who,

As we realize, are always

RIGHT, and - accede... back O/T:

I STILL say - improved PzIV's, IE

Better armoured and contoured,

And perhaps - up-gunned oh, ~ 13 mm

Or so, would have carried

The leibensraum day... IOW, T-34's

OR - JS jalopies (.... ah, presumably

WITH those new-fangled radios

the Commies somehow? Accidentally omitted) AND,

Some post 1919 doctrine & tactics learned

From die grosse posing Bosche,

Wouldn't have done lickspittle good

Grinding around in 8-shaped circles

Out beyond the Urals, nope nein,

Which is where they WOULD have retreated to

IF only -> His Kampf the Dumbkopf

Had stayed OUT

Of his Generals' way, well,

Thank the bars & stars that didn't occur! ;)

But anyway, an adroitly

Assembled tandem of Panther

And Tiger (... sechs & funf

as we appreciate) would ONLY be required

For the 954 years of occult-consulted

Whole world domination

Beyond 1945 ;)

How do I KNOW this to be true?

Look at the numbers man!

You'll notice that... 954

And 1945

Are nearly the same! smile.gif

Merely the "one" is affixed

To the latter symbol,

And two other signifiers,

The 4 and the 5're - uncannily! juxtaposed!

And so,

How I reckon it - THAT is

Some kind of NON-erroneous

And most harmonious configuration

That NO self-respecting WW2

Buff, nor, enny Platonic, cave-dwelling,

Wall-shadow observing Historian

Can EVEN begin to disdain.

IMHO. ;)

Desert Dave those were quite interesting posts(your last two)
ThanX Arado234!

But, I do believe yer in the teeny tiny

Minority on that there observation. ;)

Tho, TWO out of 3344-odd, ain't bad, nope,

Not squalid or shabby at'all,

I'll take it! smile.gif


Enny interest in some play


For fun - wargaming?

I wouldn't mind testing out

My own humbly done '39 mod,

Which should be ready, oh,

In about a month.

Would be sooner, but the Holidays

And other pressing family matters preclude

Any earlier encounter.

(... just now finishing up the French

OOB's... to include unique Motor, Mech, Cavalry,

Mountain, TAC, Grogs, Frogs falling

from outta the sky, and some other

tres petit tri-coloured units besides!)

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Desert Dave:

Sure, jazz up the bus. Scare some punk kid at a stoplight. ;)

We were toying with putting one on an alcohol-fueled go-cart that we had. Nice little system that you can build yourself, really. </font>

Given wut the kids are driving

These days,

I could, actually, probably beat 'em

With - Bessie the Blue bus!

Used to race gasoline powered go-carts,

WITH, eventually, a roll-bar welded on,


I'd likely not be here

Shootin' the shinola today!

Thing is... I used to be able to remove

The hood, say,

On the '57 Chev 283 cid,

Or, later, the '65 Goat tri-carb 389,

And be able to sit on the wheel-well

And find EVERYTHING quiet easily,

For the required (... and,

CONSTANT) fine-tuning. :cool:


I open the wife's "help me Rhonda" Honda,

And damned if I even know

What it is I'm lookin' at.

OK, it's a young man's game now,

WRT to just about ANYTHING, and, well,

I can live with that. smile.gif

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