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Just wanted to say outstanding job on your mod after dl it cant use stock map anymore also agree with the use of A-bomb.....if the wallpaper hanger had been whacked out who knows where Germany's science/tech would have went ....

thanx once more for an excellent mod keep up the good work!!

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Glad you enjoy it.

I will post version 2 tonight.

It includes some minor map changes as well as the following:

Ukrainian and Croatian SS

Spanish Blue Units

British Home Guard

Polish Partisans

Warsaw uprising

Greek, Polish, Belgian and Dutch Free Units

Axis surface raiders from Brest, Nantes and Bordeaux.

Italy, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania and all of the "third world" countries start with reduced SA and TA on their armies and corps to represent their poor training and organization at the start. This can be compensated for during the war by tech.

Russia has reduced costs for corps and armies representing their pool of manpower.

Graf Zeppelin added to the German production queue for 1945 at 1 strength.

I will then start work on adding the East African theatre.

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goddamnit now i gotta start another game!!!!! never gonna get anything else done....lol...all kiddin aside thanx for a wonderful job...think also the US should have reduced inf/arm costs after 43-44 due to ridiculus prod capacity...just my 2cents

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sorry to jones like that on ya.....but was stoked to hear you were updating your mod....any chance you might do a global mod?...tried the one out there but the small map just enrages me...but once more thanx for your mod and hope you continue the excellent work!!!

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Honch: I just downloaded your very interesting looking mod, and extracted it. It does not seem to create a "cgn" file (I was expecting it to create something along the lines of "1939 Fall Weiss-Honch.cgn".

I'm guessing that when you did version two, you assumed that downloaders would have version one, and maybe the cgn file was with that?

Anyway, if you can upload the cgn file to cmmmods that would be awesome.


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And as a follow up to GDTRFB, I get frustrated with the small scale map as well. There is a nice scale map created by PNZGRDR but its branded to the Third Reich game and doesn't have roads, rail some of the terrain etc.

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Thanx bro....had me goin frikkan nuts last nite .....lmao..kinda tech daft so wouldnt have been the first time i deleted somethin important ...dl now thanx again and hope you can get the PDE map for your mod if my opinion is worth anything(Mr.Cater) you should hook him up as this mod increases the value of replay by alot..Imho..anyhoo of to crack out on the honch mod be up till my eyes bleed!!!!!

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Version 3 will be up tomorrow. A few more map changes and corrections and I added some scripts for Axis Oil shortages after mid 1943 if they have not secured the Caucasus or Middle East and US Hydrogen Bomb attacks in late 1945 and 1946 if the game is still going. (These are REALLY cool) This is on top of the smaller bombs made available for the US (and maybe others) to purchase late in the war. Next up, East and West Africa and the Free French as a minor nation!

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Awesome ...just a thought ...the nukes shouldnt be free every time you fire...remember how much it cost just to make those two bombs we came up with! dont know if its possible to do that but hope so...maybe a 500mpp charge every time after the first? also will it have the PDE map? will other countries have H-Bomb ?

keep up the awesome work bro thanx a million

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My last version of the WAW MOD prior to PDE will be posted later tonight but I need some input on some gameplay changes that I want to make:

1. Reduce naval attack and defense of subs, they seem to decimate capital ships even at no tech.

2. Reduce the range of fighters and tactical bombers. German fighters should only be able to reach into the UK by one or two tiles at most at no tech.

3. Increase the sub attack and defense of destroyers.

4. Decrease the soft and tank defense of paratroops.

What do you guys think?

Changes already included for this version:

1. Various map adjustments, additions and corrections.

2. Add a French corps to Marseilles.

3. Add scripts for the creation of Montenegro and the annexation of Luxembourg, Alsace and Lorraine.

4. Moved Cherbourg city and port to allow for better "Normandy" invasions.

5. Added a second port to Southampton-Portsmouth as this was a major port along the lines of New York, Scapa Flow and Norfolk.

6. Fixed the British Home Guard script so that they only appear on invasion of the UK.

7. Added Hydrogen Bomb scripts to keep bombed cities in Germany at zero after the first strike.

8. Italy: added Milan, Bologna

9. USA: added Buffalo, Richmond, Hartford

10. USSR: added Orel, Vitebsk, Bryansk

11. Turkey: added Iskanderun

12. France: added Rheims, Toulouse, La Rochelle

13. Yugoslavia: added Sarajevo, Montenegro

14. Germany: added Bremen, Bratislava, changed Dusseldorf-Cologne to Ruhr

15. Spain: added Cordoba

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Hi Honch....the thing is that subs really do have an advantage over capital ships due to the fact they have little or no ASW armaments so this is correct ...other than that the other ideas are great..e.g german fighters did have short ranges at the beginning of the war..but you should be able to upgrade this as the allegedly smarter supreme ruler...also paratroops had little or no A-T weapons until the bazooka/panzerschrek/faust so this would follow...keep up the wicked kool work am waiting with visine so my eyes wont bleed so much this time!!!!

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also just wanted to add my 2 cents about AAA and A-T imho they should have a better attack vs inf as high velocity shells/bullets have a very good effect vs men anyway just a thought ...i usually give every country 2 vs inf and also give AAA range of 2 thus simulating the fact that most units had some AA units attached also clears up space for attacker/defender alike and makes for a more intresting game when the axis or allies goes air heavy....just my opinion...anyhoo keep up the great work!!!and thanx for a great mod

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Good ideas. I don't see a problem with any of them. I also reduced the range of artillery to one tile. Two was slightly unrealistic. I increased the infantry attack and defense of anti-tank guns and reduced the starting range of fighters and tac bombers.

As for A-Bombs; unfortunately there is no way to stop a country from using one every turn once they have it. They do alot of damage to either the resource or the unit, not both though, and the effect is not permanent. We need a brand new A-Bomb unit to be designed into the game engine.

That is why I added the H-Bomb scripts. It better simulates the devestating effect on units and resources alike.

Thanks to Hubert I am now working on modding the PDE expansion with my map and will release it when PDE is released.

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