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Looking through the screenshots, I was noticing that in the map size ipg that there are two different icons for Oil and Mine resource tiles. For Oil, a two and a three derrick icon and for Mines, a grey and a brown pit icon. Is there some significance attached to the difference in these icons or is it just for a matter of designer choice?

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Is there some significance attached to the difference in these icons or is it just for a matter of designer choice?

Some variation so to create a pastiche kind of palette.

Same way... when you would stand on Pacific Palisades on a rare clear LA day, you can sometimes see a sail-boat with psychedelic trim. Or so it seems... to the one with sea-wise whims.

Brian Wilson knew such stuff as that, which is why he is a musical genius, oh, one of 2 or 3 in America the last 50 years.

There ARE going to be some other VERY interesting and fun-unique "iconographies," you'll see. ;)

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You know Edwin, that brings up an interesting premise; your statement about N.Atlantic weather. We all know how unpredictable the weather patterns are. Would it be to preposterous to suggest a random inclement weather system that would allow naval/convoys a hidden status for the duration of a SC2 turn? Should the area(number of tiles) affected also be subject to a randomizer? Perhaps a persistence factor for the weather to continue as it drifts from west to east or whatever the prevailing conditions exist for that season, representing some degree of predictiveness? I mean don't we remember convoys/naval flotillas using inclement weather to cloak themselves from enemy forces?

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Excellent point. And its not a preprosterous idea, but I don't think that HC wants to get that realistic with the area covered and a persistance factor and seasonal wind currents.

To a limited degree this is already factored into SC2 with weather related effects on spotting distances.

If not, and to keep programming simple, I would just allow for bad weather to reduce the spotting distance, for air or naval units to 0 in this area during the weather effect.

Example: Per Turn Check for North Atlantic

Normal Winter Effects 80% - Normal Spotting Reduction

Severe Winter Effects 20% - Spotting Reduced to Zero

Or one could divide the North Atlantic into more weather zones, thus allowing for severe weather in one zone and less severe weather in an adjacent zone or severe weather in both zones.

Also, keep in mind that each winter turn covers 1 month of real time.

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AS originally posted by Edwin P:

Perhaps, King Kong climbing the Empire State Building in New York City?

Or iceburgs in the North Atlantic during the winter?


I think your alternate hope

For one of the Pyramids, or perhaps

A traveler's riddle in the eyes of the Sphinx,

Has a better chance of being realized. smile.gif

As originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Would it be to preposterous to suggest a random inclement weather system that would allow naval/convoys a hidden status for the duration of a SC2 turn?

No, it wouldn't.

Be - preposterous, I mean.

Such things HAVE been discussed, and

Insofar as I know now, there WILL be

Some "winter weather effect" on

The sleek secret-cat & fat-mouse convoy game.

One suggestion I had made: rolling FOG

Occasionally making all a liquid gray swirl,

As... along the Norwegian northern shores,

So that Bismark and Prinz Eugen

Might make good a RAIDING escape

Into the North Atlantic.

HMS Hood - antiquated as she might be,

Had better keep the masts & search lights

Oiled and polished.

OTOH, perhaps best to AVOID that 50,000t


Kriegsmarine Behemoth, altogether. :eek:

Fog could be... the Captain's excuse.

Later, who could, really, blame him?

Should he prefer setting safe summer sails

On... the Sloop John B? ;)

**[NOTE: In above picture you can see

that little HMS Hood, IE, the John B.

... just to the right of Bismark - now you know

how that Santa Monica Sloop... compares, yes?]

[ January 15, 2005, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Suggest that any weather induced reduction in spotting would be significantly mitigated by advances in radar. By 1943, the use of centimetric "Sugar Charlie" or SC radar permitted hunting of Nazi subs in all but the worst zero-zero weather. Low ceilings at the airbase were much more of a factor for aircraft. Ships could "see" with radar in all but the very worst storm conditions.

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By 1943, the use of centimetric "Sugar Charlie" or SC radar permitted hunting of Nazi subs in all but the worst zero-zero weather.
Yep, Wachtmeister, ALL must be

Accounted for.

Thanks for the reminder on radar capabilities. smile.gif

Allied Player CAN research those

To heart's content... or not, depending on

Whether Axis Player decides

To implement - full-tilt boogie - U-boot

Unter-See warfare.

It is not assumed that tech advances

Fall from the sky like broken lightning.

This is what most will absolutely admire

About SC2-Blitzkrieg! smile.gif

Your CHOICES as to how to conduct S & T

Are going to be manifold.

However, so that some others will not be alarmed,

You CAN play it out much like

SC the Original.

This is NOT the case where the game designer,

Which is Hubert ... and he... alone,

Dictates HOW you have to play the game.

[... at the risk of repetition, I say again:

YOU can edit in or out... a little of this,

and a bit of that, oh, just enough

so that you have EXACTLY the kind of game

that your prefer :cool: ]

No longer can there be ignorance

About what... WAS vital

In the last... "good war."

Bombing campaigns, naval sorties, building up

Your infrastructure, anti-air resources

Applied as needed, then the high bombers

Arrive in thick dark waves,

Diplomatic actions to entice reluctant neutrals,

Pz II tanks kept active (... even when

Panthers are available for deployment)

To serve as vital but expendable recon assets,

The list is almost endless,

So... get ready!

For a thrill-filled ride of yer life! :cool:

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Bombing campaigns, naval sorties, building up

"Your infrastructure, anti-air resources

Applied as needed, then the high bombers

Arrive in thick dark waves,

Diplomatic actions to entice reluctant neutrals,

Pz II tanks kept active (... even when

Panthers are available for deployment)

To serve as vital but expendable recon assets,

The list is almost endless,

So... get ready!

For a thrill-filled ride of yer life!"

This sounds like a gross embellishment of our already high anxiety of not having SC2 to play. Is this a disguised attempt at undermininig my well known "Patience is a Virtue" philosophy? DD I can't believe you would resolve yourself to such unscrupulous behavior.... it was almost successful! Would you like to try a repetition, hopefully divulging a vitual plethora of additional SC2 features?

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