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Help with larger Europe Theater Map

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I already tried to get some help in different posts but now i try it this way ;)

Has anybody a standard europe from the internet, a picture etc. that i could use as a draft. Something where i could put a hexfield onto, that would help me to see where i have to make rivers, woods etc.

I want to use the maximum available size from the editor but did not find a useable map from the internet so far.


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I want to use the maximum available size
I would strongly recommend two things to you and other modders. First, practice using the Editor to make a small simple game from scratch. You might want to look at my Tactics III game now posted at cmmods.com. Second, for your main project carefully consider the overall game you want to create. Starting with the largest map possible and THEN trying to figure out the scale and order of battle might not be a great decision.

If you have a board wargame with map, OOB, rules and everything else, it's much easier to take that and adapt it to SC2. I did that with Tactics II and I'm doing that with Advanced Third Reich now as time permits. Even with a solid foundation to work with, it's still a challenge to do everything that needs to be done for a decent game -- combat target values, research, event and AI scripts, etc.

I'm certainly not trying to discourage anyone from attempting to make a monster game of their dreams, but there's a very fine line between dreams and nightmares. ;)

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Very true. But my game would be for HvH. Maybe i take my WiF Board Game and than i put the hexes on it.

I just want to use the maximum size for the map because it should be a Corps/Div game and i need an atlantic .... i mean a REAL atlantic ! ;)

Thanks !


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@Honch -

What if you were able to do a mapping from old coords to new ones?

If for example you made the new map exactly twice as big in either direction, it should be possible to write a Q&D Python script that plows through and re-maps the tiles to the new map.

I could do that part. If we can come up with a mapping, I can write a script that will do it.

It may need some tweaking afterwards but should be close.

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Thats exactly what I am looking for. If we could basically split each tile into four (doubling map size) then something like your suggestion would be needed to update the scripts. However, I really do not have the time to undertake the map enlargement. I am just hoping that by enough of us asking for it, Hubert may look at the option soon. I would even pay more for an update like this!! (Maybe I shouldn't have said that)

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