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I think at Max resolution the game looks fantastic. I cant put my finger on it but it has a real old school War atmosphere about it.

Infact game oodles atmosphere which for a game of this type is very rare indeed.

I will buy it for that alone. However even better than that, it appears to be dripping in gameplay aswell.

One minor point about the graphics. It would have been nice to see the planes actaully fly to their targets.

[ April 06, 2006, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: Wodin ]

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I can't quite put my finger on it either. It's just a fun game to play. The demo only goes so far. Playing a timed network game and getting into 1942/43 and trying to get everything done during your turn while the clock ticks down... well, you just have to experience it. :cool:

And I'll echo something else, from the first impressions of SC1 four years ago. This game simply plays differently than traditional wargames with unit stacking and combined attacks and such. Like Panzer General, you move one unit at a time, one unit per hex/tile, and you have to orchestrate your battles sequentially. It's just... different. I won't say better or worse, but it's fast and fun nonetheless. And many of the critics who complain how this game isn't like such-and-such (you fill in the blank) don't seem to take this factor into account. Oh well.

it appears to be dripping in gameplay
Indeed. And for the record, it is only a game, to be played and enjoyed. SC2 should rise to become a very popular WWII grand strategy game exactly because of its simple gameplay features. :cool:
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