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The AI Refuses to spend it Massive MP!

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The AI had massive MP's but because I turned the tide around in russia it refuses to use its massive ip! When Finally my russian soldier got into poland the AI had over 4000 MP which it could of used to give me a very interesting game!

The AI as germans needs to learn to spent every one of its IP properly and it should not give up once I halt the german offense because it still hav a very good chance to draw!

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Are you talking about the MP that shows up at the end of the game for the other side in yellow?

I thought that was the total value of their units? If not, Russia usually has > 4000 when I finally win as the Axis and the US often has a large number as well.

In addition, I noticed that last time I won as Axis, the US had:

4 HQ's

3 Armor

3-4 ships

2 AF's

1 bomber

as many coprs and armies as they could fit

All sitting back in the US watching the World Series while the UK was being held with 3 half strength German corps and France was down to used up Itallian units in the cities.

That US force hitting France or England (or both) would have sure made the game more interesting. It wouldn't have been enough to win, but it sure would have forced me to pull quite a few Germans off the front.

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There's no script for the US to invade Britain if it's been taken by the Germans. Good reminder though, I should add a script for that situation.

Those US boys want to get in the fight...certainly don't want to stay home and watch the Yankees. ;)

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Originally posted by Timskorn:

There's no script for the US to invade Britain if it's been taken by the Germans. Good reminder though, I should add a script for that situation.

Those US boys want to get in the fight...certainly don't want to stay home and watch the Yankees. ;)

Hopefully, we won't need it too often because Sealion will be made nearly impossible like it was in real life and the US can concentrate on invading France, Africa or both as it should be.

As long as Germany can get accross the channel and take out the UK immediately after the fall of France, the US will have little impact on the war, IMHO. Who needs subs when you can sever all the supply lines by taking out England?

To me, the game ends with the fall of London and everything else is just a matter completing the rout.

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@LampCord That is why when I play the Germans I don't envade England until after I take down Russia, it is too easy to take England out first.

I even tired ignoring France and England in one game. I left troops on the Sigfred line and declared war on Russia in early 40. The scripts just don't know how to adapt to that as neither Italy, Romaina, Hungry or Finland would join me even thought I easly rolled over Russia. France and England just kept hitting the Sigfred line doing little damage, it was a strange game.

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Originally posted by Rolend:

@LampCord That is why when I play the Germans I don't envade England until after I take down Russia, it is too easy to take England out first.

I even tired ignoring France and England in one game. I left troops on the Sigfred line and declared war on Russia in early 40. The scripts just don't know how to adapt to that as neither Italy, Romaina, Hungry or Finland would join me even thought I easly rolled over Russia. France and England just kept hitting the Sigfred line doing little damage, it was a strange game.

Yeah, I'm using a 'no Sealion' self imposed rule as well now.

I like you're Russia first strategy. I always wondered what would happen if after taking Poland the Germans just kept right on going through Russia. I mean the whole army is already in the east, seems innefficient to trasfer west to fight France and then back east again for the Russians.

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