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What's all the excitement about?

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I love Strategic Command. But from the preview news release and the interview I read with Hubert Cater, I don't see anything to get too excited about. It looks to me like they've spruced up the game graphics (who cares how it looks?) but haven't done very much to the gameplay.

I'm hoping for vastly-improved AI and more flexibility with the game options. I don't care very much about an expanded editor or camouflage uniforms that change if you're in North Africa (or Iraq).

What have I missed?

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Well, it's the fact that he's implementing as many suggestions that we make on this board as he can. So, people feel like the more they talk about it and contribute to it, the better the game it will be. They feel as if it's 'their' game. I think that's why there's so much hype.

And of course there is always the fact that the majority of people here are highly competitive arseholes who can't wait to beat each other in another format.

[ May 23, 2004, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Col. Gen. Guderian ]

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Yes it is the graphics, but no, most of what will make SC2 has nothing t do with the visual.

I can understand if you missed all the flurry of week one dialogue.

A lot of the fire has died down.

But SC2 is about making the game better accuracy wise, and weeding out design elements we didn't care for in SC1.

It is definitely not just a cosmetic enhancement.

None of us are interested in pretty pictures.

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I think you are overstating it a bit Bro..there are quite a few new ideas in this game that were not in SC1...Keep in mind that there is a way to go before the game is released and we are not privy to everything that will be in it... be patient as only time will tell whether you are right, and it is nothing more than a souped up version of SC1, or a vastly improved game....

[ May 23, 2004, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: J P Wagner ]

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The fact the we are all highly competitive...and that the fur was flying is a good thing...it just shows you what a tough bunch of hardheads we have here.

CAN you think of a better group with which to sift out the crap with and get to the necessary and important details of the subject?.

A few of us took some hits...between the 'Beak' and the 'Eye-Balls', including me...it doesnt necessarily feel that good to get it!...but, Hey!...if the game improves because of it...then so be it...it would have been worth it!.

There's a Hell of a lot of experience in these pages...only the unitiated wouldn't be able to see that!.

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