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WaW Tourney (Game3) Canuk v. K Man

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German High Command has decided to release the hounds against the Poles in the east and launch an offensive Sept '39.

Von Rundstedt sorts out the details of this new Blitzkreig thats all the rave and the combined arms training seems to have payed off. Deep strikes made by the LW along with a deep penetration of the Heer has sent the Poles into mass panic.

Poland is finished in turn 2.

Uboats roam the Atlantic raiding vital commerce.

GHC is looking flush with the recent success and looks elsewhere.

Nov '39, the weather Gods are with me and Belgium is quickly taking.

GHC stresses caution to field commanders with the following message.


..........and so it begins.

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The reason the poles fell in two weeks, is due to deception on the part of the Germans. We saw them at the borders with all their military might. But they started asking directions on how to get to Russia (to kill those communistic oppressors.) Naturally, the poles obliged (since they didn't care much for those damn Russians either.) I guess we should have written the directions in German, instead of Polish, because they started their attack in our territory. The rest is history...

The allied command regroups, and hopes to slow the Germans down. Many more clear turns in the coming winter and France will fall fast as well.

But a glimmer of hope arises, as the first snows start to fall. Grounding his planes for atleast one turn...

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German Intel has reported to the GHC that the allies are quote **dressed up like jack frost and doing the snow dance to the gods**...........is this a new allied trick??

Weather has changed in the allied fav Dec '39, but on the up side it does give the rest of the german horse drawn infantry units a chance to play catch up.

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Weather break for the good guys..........uummmmm..........eerrrrrrrr........I mean the axis.

Denmark is offered terms but do not accept.......1st Paras pay them a visit but they hang on.

French BB giving a Pz Div a hard time in Brussels, U39 dispatched to diswade him.

GHC gived the green light for advance into France. Recce reports strong French armour west of the maginot line and south of Paris, is this a counter attack force? GHC orders caution and has the Luffties keep an eye on it.

Axis forces make there move and has a Corp knocking on the front door of Paris, many taxi's seen leaving the city in a hurry.

Turn ends with rain again.

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Yes, the weather gods have shifted their allegience. (I think they have the "good guys" mixed up.)

May 1940. And the axis turn is clear. That means the time is short for France. Allied command has to be happy France has held as long as it has.

Royal navy is sent to probe the Denmark area, to see if the Germans, blocked the path to the port. Royal navy radios the French ships in the area, that they are a group of French women trapped in Denmark, in need of rescue. The french cruiser steams ahead at full speed, and runs into a German u-boat protecting the straits. (That answers that question, says the Royal navy.) And the idiot captain on the French battleship is relieved of command after running in to the U-boat at the port near Begium. (Didn't you read the previous report of a german u-boat at that port!)

The Frenchies launch an attack on the german corp near paris. Strenght down to 3...

To the taxi's leaving Paris, "come back and fight you cowards!"

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Paris opens its doors and welcomes a German parade through the main streets. France falls May'40

LW moves assets to Denmark to aid in operation 'RED NOSE' to liberate the reindeer in Norway. Air pounds Oslo and paras pay a visit and Norway capitulates. Jun'40

Mean while the LW has been busy gaining experience softening up Malta.

Med naval action has been quiet, no sign of force 'H' and the Italian navy are still polishing brass in port.


Time is currently early Dec '40 and the GHC is planning its further operations.

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Jan '41

Axis sub still running amuck in the Atlantic. 1 encounter with a DD and its down to str 6 while the sub is at 8. Still playing cat and mouse with the Brit Navy who seem to be frustrated in there attempts to hunt the sub down.

With Malta in axis hands its now safe for the Italian Med fleet to have a sail about and stretch their sea legs.

GHC quietly building strength while there are still serious concerns about the German scientists and just WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY DOING.............cause it ain't research on new tech..........but on the up side the beer has never tasted better. Blindfolds and early sunrises maybe the order of the day for the lot of them soon.

Been interesting so far.........this should be a good game and the first one who blinks is going to lose.

[ February 27, 2008, 05:13 AM: Message edited by: Canuck_TAR ]

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Apr '41 Russia around 35% USA around 38%.

Our Uboats still playing in the Atlantic and the RN admiralty can't be happy with the lack of success the RN is having trying to find them.

Tunisia is taken in a combination of German and Italian amphib operation.

Getting ready for the show down in the East against the bear.

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May '41

- GHC is concerned over RAF night time bombing, measures to be taken to protect installations.

- U29 has encounter mid atlantic with a CA and a DD, some damage but she escapes for the time being.

- Intell reports movement in NA of British forces.

Rumble in the East about to heat up. Russia at 50%.

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July 41.

Joining the RAF's night bombings, some of the Royal navy is bombarding the coastal cities in France. (Sorry Frenchies, but you shouldn't have surrended so soon.)

U-boats continue their "magician" act of disappearing once found. (I seem to be having the luck of finding the subs on my last or second to last ship being moved.) Since the others had already moved, its difficult to engage.

Russia now at 74%, as Yugoslavia crumbles under the axis machine. Russian scientists have been working franticly with the military for the development of "new" weapons...

Axis forces appear to be stirring in Africa as well.

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Late July '41

- axis forces in NA take a look see to the east.

- Russia readiness at 80%, operation NUT CRACKER about to begin. Railroad system in the fatherland and poland are very busy. Scientist get the news and work feverishly to get new weapons to the frontline troops.

- RAF bombing is being a pain, resources are covering and they are paying.

- Lots of metals to go around for the U boat crews, they have done very well so far to survive this long with no sub losses.

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As Aug 41 opens, Stalin joins the war on the Germans, since an attack is imminent. Fresh troops await the impending clash of the "titans."

Bombardments & Bombings of the French cities continue. The french cities are being reduced to rumble...

U-boats continue to roam the atlantic. A new admiral is put in charge of the royal navy. Lets see if he can do his job...

Germans are on the move in Africa, as a corp & two artillery approach the British fortification. The corp is met with a battery of artillery, spitfires, tanks, and troops. He is quickly destroyed...

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Aug '41 - offensive in the East has begun. All 3 russian cities in the West from N to S are in German hands. Leningrad cut off.

Seems Uncle Joe wants to keep the mines in the South as large forces are spotted there along with fortifcations.

Russian CA sunk in the Baltic.

NA - The rest of West Africa is taken, Casablanca remains in British hands. In the East British corps is destroyed with a combination of Air and arty fire. El Alamein fortifications destroyed. Rommel ready for his offensive. Italians lose 1 CA but the brit carrier is down to 4 and a cruiser hurt.

Air will be the key in NA.

Atlantic - GHC is praising the U-boat arm.........serious damage and frustration on the RN side.

U-39 is slowly being hunted down with a BB seen steaming S from Brest.

Norway is back on line with shippments and the Brit high command is distracted in NA.

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Late Nov '41.

Russian front - Smolensk taken. Heavy fortifcations spotted around the mines in southern russia.

Forces in place to take Leningrad.

Atlantic - U-39 finally meets its end, a said day for the Uboat fleet and they will be missed.

Prinz Eugen in a brave sortie to save the sub was sunk, went down fighting with 3 BB's damaged.

NA - Clear weather and the superior AF power of the combined LW and Italians take its toll, 1 Brit army destroyed. Axis forces in very good shape.

Awaiting russian winter, troops in good shape and moral, should not be costly.........shorts and flowered shirts are the order of the day.

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Dec 41 arrives. The Japs are keeping the Americans busy with their sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. US is also upset over Germany's gains out in Eygpt. Diplomats sent to discuss the issue in Germany are turned away (fine, we'll remember that.)

Stalin's message to those fighting in Lenigrad: "Fight to the death!"

Royal Navy continues the search in the Atlantic for the rest of the U-boats.

The royal navy is also busy down in Eygpt as an attack comes on the Italian navy bombarding the coast. One battleship is sunk, while another is seriously damaged (down to 2.) We are sure to sacrifice some ships for this operation, but it had to be done. Meanwhile on land, we are forced to move on the Germany army that had marched in near Alexandria. Corps, an artillery, and an army are able to take him out.

Unfortunately, the Germans will have another clear turn to fly his planes (with many targets to choose from.)

So far so good, on the Russian front. Soviet Winter is on its way, as well as the Siberians (already enroute) just waiting for their appearance.

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Dec '41

Russian front - severe blizzards hit the Oost front affecting many german outfits.........shorts and flowered shirts maybe not a great idea.

Siberian's have transfered.

Leningrad defenders under seige, down to 8 from a finn and german corp.

Atlantic - Sub still roaming the atlantic, making there way back to friendly ports.

NA - Bloody sea battle finds an Italian CA surrounded and 2 BB's retreating but not before the RN losses 2 ships. Italian sub saves the day. On land the Brits pay for taking out the german army group by lossing 2 corps and a hurt corps and army. Strong German air and tank group move in.

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Jan 42

The battle continues in the Mediterranean. The damaged Royal navy takes some last passing shots at the adjacent Italian Cruiser as they steam off. The cruiser is only slightly damaged (down to 5) by a Battleship and 2 Cruisers.

Meanwhile the Royal Air Force exacts a little revenge on the Germans in Eygpt by supporting a counter attack on the Panzer group that had moved in. With artillery, the tank is destroyed by the UK army.

Meanwhile on the Russian front, all is quiet during the Blizzards as the siberians who are use to this weather, move in. 5 cities are in German hands to this point. (Riga, Minsk, Smolensk, Odessa, & Kiev.)

Out in the Atlantic, the Royal navy searches for the remaining U-boats...

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The GHC gets very exciting news on 2 fronts.

In the East Leningrad falls to combined german and finn ground forces.

In NA Alexandria falls to axis forces as a Brit army is destroyed, fresh troops land in the Port and the RN sends in reinforcements, maybe to late to save Egypt as the combined forces now have fresh supplies.


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End of May 42.

US does enter the war. (What kept you so long?)

Eastern front: Russians are preparing for the coming offensives.

Eygpt should fall next turn. Unfortunate for the allies, but it kept the Axis powers occupied in Africa. Allies were able to inflict damage on the axis land troops. The luftwaffe saved the Africa Korps skin.

Should prove to be an interesting summer...

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Jun '42


Rommel throws medals and camels to all the axis forces in Eygpt.........Cario falls to the axis forces. No rest for the Luft. as they get there marching orders for the Eastern front.

Eastern front.

In a bold move, swift forces of the germans war machine kick Uncle Joe out of Moscow and send him racing for his name sake in the South.


Our brave Uboat hunts Red sub and ties it down while a DD makes its attack run. Sub down to 7.


Uboats still playing cat and mouse with the RN and now the American navy is in the game.


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