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Action Range of Fighters Bombers

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Has somebody an idea about Websites where i can find information about Action Range/Maximun Range of Fighter / Tac Bomber and Bomer Planes?

I mean Historically. I found the Spitfire has an

Action Range of 756 km , so this would mean

the Spitfire could almost Reach Berlin an come back, but that sounds not soooo realistic, no?

The Bombers could almost reach Rome !!!

Some Statics on that?

Other point is: How dit US Planes do the Way from Newfoundland to Britain? in one shot , or was a Landing in Greenland or on a Carrier needed? Or didnt they fly but come in Boxes with Ships?

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I use to play Air Warrior, the specs of a plane were often posted.. Range and actual combat fighting ability is mixed, Wiki would tell you the fighting range on just about any plane including it's top airspeed... Although some planes have different performance at different altitudes. I.E. The P51D was the fastest plane in the world in 1944 likely aside from jets, but the Corsair and FW190 might outperform it on certain altitudes

As for distance, drop tanks, flying optimum speeds can greatly increase range. The Spitfire might go that far but not if it fights. I once heard that at 80% throttle or something like that a plane's range doubles! ALSO planes with a lot of fuel are heavier and since weight increases drag not so easy to maneuver then again what WW2 plane would maneuver who had "range." Better to hit from high and run like hell

Remember in the Battle of Britian escorting 109s were forced to fight so they'd lose fuel faster! Otherwise they may have been better at protecting all those Bombers!

Those US Fighters probably were shipped in, a lot easier, flying in would be expensive! But with drop tanks and Greenland-Iceland-Azores likely doable for later US Fighters and beyond, though don't quote me on it.

Interesting fact in 1 YEAR THE USA PRODUCED MORE AIRCRAFT THAN IN HISTORY OF AIRCRAFT ! And Hitler thought he could win ROFL

Originally posted by powergmbh:

Has somebody an idea about Websites where i can find information about Action Range/Maximun Range of Fighter / Tac Bomber and Bomer Planes?

I mean Historically. I found the Spitfire has an

Action Range of 756 km , so this would mean

the Spitfire could almost Reach Berlin an come back, but that sounds not soooo realistic, no?

The Bombers could almost reach Rome !!!

Some Statics on that?

Other point is: How dit US Planes do the Way from Newfoundland to Britain? in one shot , or was a Landing in Greenland or on a Carrier needed? Or didnt they fly but come in Boxes with Ships?

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