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First glad for this forum to help us newbies learn a thing or two.

Question for you guys:

I have played the SC2 global map several times as allies and every time Japan some how gets a tank and an extra plane fighting me in China by Nov 39. How is this possible? I tried it several times and I can't even match that at all-especially by that date. I am only playing at dif 100% +0( I know, I know pretty wimpy lol but still trying to figure out the right game plan.)Thanks for any insight.

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find the most efficient method to kick the hell outta the AI it is linear and will usually-USUALLY do the same thing every time

Originally posted by newbie05:

First glad for this forum to help us newbies learn a thing or two.

Question for you guys:

I have played the SC2 global map several times as allies and every time Japan some how gets a tank and an extra plane fighting me in China by Nov 39. How is this possible? I tried it several times and I can't even match that at all-especially by that date. I am only playing at dif 100% +0( I know, I know pretty wimpy lol but still trying to figure out the right game plan.)Thanks for any insight.

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; Japan (Manchuria Reserves)


#NAME= Japan (Manchuria Reserves - Peking - 1939 - Axis AI)


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1

#AI= 1





; dummy condition position (never satisfied)

#CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0]

#UNIT= 1 [10] [0] []

#UNIT= 2 [10] [0] []

#UNIT= 6 [10] [0] []

#UNIT= 7 [10] [0] []


This is the script that gives Japan the tank (unit = 6) and the plane (unit = 7). Japan will get these no matter what the starting level... as long as the axis is the AI. Human players will never get these units.
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Thanks a lot. I would have never figured that one out!!! I was wondering why I could never get those units when I played the Allies.Thought I was just the unluckiest person alive,lol.

So since I have already shown I suck at this game,haha ---Is it better to just give up China and use UK's money elsewhere or try to hold out against those extra units? Tks in advance for any advice.

[ December 16, 2007, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: newbie05 ]

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