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Dare I say it! Imbalance???

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There are a lot of assumptions here. It's the fact it's a war game that makes it a bit different. Personally if I was Germany I would have stayed close to Stalin as long as possible. Friendly in fact!

That meant that all of Europe was mine permanently, and eventually the USSR would have been the only opposition at all. The British would have had to eventually deal... It was just a matter of time.

Though historically Hitler was greedy, and believed that there was some Divine reason to create a larger homeland out of the USSR.

This we now know was called Liebenstraum and was the ultimate doom of the Third Reich. That and it's intolerance and lack of hindsight. Freeing France up, creating a a Puppet Balkan Regime and Milking Scandanavia of all of it's metals would've been on my agenda. That and World Trade... A massive Navy to force the British into understand who was boss and the whole world would now be ruled by partitional powers. Though the Germans were greedy, intolerant, and had a nack for trying to push the envelope, so now we have had the Russians/Americans/Chinese and few other world Powers. Maybe the EU, where many of these warring states use to exist now are 1

P.S. No doubt Sea Lion is a tough endeavor, so is Barbarossa. I think the Axis had a better chance vs the Land opponent and not only but England was no immediate threat in '40, not for a few years at least

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