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For the next version..

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Guest Mike

...can we have the "notes" from the end of hte previous turn recorded somewhere so they can be pulled up in hte middle of a turn for reference - especially ones about U-boats interdicting convoys?

I've got 8 or 9 games going at he moment, and I can never remember which of my allies are bing hit in which convoys!! :(

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Sounds like that "replay last turn" option that's been requested since SC1 would be a big help SO. I recall HC saying that he liked that idea...don't know if there was ever any progress made in that.

If we're starting a grocery list, I'd like to see those couple quirky AI issues fixed (leaving chits in technology even if they have maxed out; the USA loading and unloading transports same turn in England; not cashing out chits when captital is legitimately threatened).

Some eye candy for the Editor would be great too(new shorelines, icons, etc).

If any of this sounds like the spoiled brat demanding more money for his allowance...it is. We've been spoiled with all the community requests that have already been put in place so far, and we have a great game with 1.02!

Suggestion: Increase the IW tech research cost for USSR to 125 or 150. There was certainly a quality/quantity issue on the eastern front, and SC2 Soviet advances in IW tech can be a game breaker. Or perhaps not allow IW research until Jan '41.

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Wouldn't it be neat if tiles (including sea tiles and including convoy attacks) were overlayed with a red hue to indicate where battles where fought in the last turn. It would give a since of where the action was and it would eliminate having to look at lists of coordinates to find where your convoys are getting hit. If you REALLY want to get fancy, then hold on to the list for a couple of turns and make the overlay color for 1 turn ago light orange and 2 turns ago yellow to show action over time. Finally, make the whole system configurable so people can select no shading, last turn only or last 3 turns.

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