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I'm shakin' it here boss!

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Originally posted by Headshot:

Any of you hotshots living dangerously by clandestinely playing pbem or single-player CMBB at work right under the bosses nose, trying to look like you're working when he keeps glancing through the glass wall of his office across the room? Just wondered! :D

pickin' it up here Boss!

And ifin they catch ya, you won't just get a night in the BOX!

he he


-tom w

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A lady office secretary wrote a small piece in Readers Digest a few years ago telling how one of the blokes from an adjoining room used to wander in,nod hello to her and her colleagues, and then go over to a filing cabinet in the corner,pull open a certain drawer,peer intently into it for several minutes without touching the contents,then reach in briefly,close it without removing anything and stroll nonchalantly out.Later another chap would saunter in and do the exact same procedure before leaving.The two men did this several times a day,every day,and eventually her curiosity got the better of her,so she opened the drawer and saw no paperwork in there at all,just a complete chessboard and pieces of a game in progress! :cool:

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Hey Combat Mission is good, but its not worth a reprimand or getting fired... Unless your job really sucks that I gues...

In any case, a bit of forum reading (during lunch and coffee breaks right?!) is probablly a safer way to slake the addiction!

There is help for our problem... Oh wait, that's this forum!! :D

Editing this post 'cause I have a growing suspiscion that I've finally discovered how everyone got so good at these games... No more red herrings for me about sleep being expendable!

Seriously tho' its tempatations like this one that are behind my policy of open work spaces and no backs to the wall! Something about the will being weak...

[ December 19, 2002, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Matias Duarte ]

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Originally posted by Headshot:

A lady office secretary wrote a small piece in Readers Digest a few years ago telling how one of the blokes from an adjoining room used to wander in,nod hello to her and her colleagues, and then go over to a filing cabinet in the corner,pull open a certain drawer,peer intently into it for several minutes without touching the contents,then reach in briefly,close it without removing anything and stroll nonchalantly out.Later another chap would saunter in and do the exact same procedure before leaving.The two men did this several times a day,every day,and eventually her curiosity got the better of her,so she opened the drawer and saw no paperwork in there at all,just a complete chessboard and pieces of a game in progress! :cool:

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I was caught red-handed by my ex-boss(a chinese woman)once when I was drawing a battle map and troop dispositions on a large sheet of paper instead of doing my job as a physics lab assistant,but I was able to talk my way out of it by convincing Madam Butterfly it was an astronomical chart for the lab wall! ;)

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Originally posted by muzzlehead:

What is a Boss? Can somebody explain to me why you go to this place called 'work', when you can easily play CMBB from home?

Mace told me once work had something to do with lonely men chasing sheep.


Muzz:-Work is the place where lots of lucky people have to get up at the crack of dark frosty dawns to get to,and spend all day doing exciting vibrant jobs,then make their way home pleasantly tired out and play an hour or two of CMBB before falling exhausted into bed so they can repeat the whole thing next day!

But we poor unemployed have nothing to do for the 16 hours from getting up at 11a.m. to hitting the sack at 3a.m other than play CMBB non-stop!

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actually, i use the office hours to do the prep work:

- printing scenario maps

- printing tips and tricks

- scanning the forums etc

when i get home, i try out some of the scenrios..

.... good thing being a salesman, no one cares what you do as long as you bring in the dough...

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Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

Without Internet Forums I would have long gone nuts...simple nothing to do here most of the time (as long as the network is running as it should).

That's the curse of a good admin...once you have everthing sorted alright, you dont get much action anymore...

Roger THAT!

Fellow Sys Admin type guy smile.gif !

-tom w

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