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Scott Orr's Comments on "Prelude to Breakthru"

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We play a "double-blind" PBEM on this ASL-converted scenario and he has the following comments. They come as is and please apologize if it is not properly arranged:

">I understand your feeling. The most important problem

>for you is I am allowed to set up forces freely. If

>not so, you will contact my skimmish rather early and

>you will know the way to be.

I'm not actually sure that that's the problem: if I'd seen your soldiers earlier, I still would have moved slowly. The problem I think is that, esp. in the hedgerow country, I have to _assume_ that your soldiers could be behind the next hedgerow, and so I move carefully.

Let me give a historical example: in late 1944 the British forces in Northern France were moving at what was thought to be an astonishing rate, largely because they were encountering very little opposition. It turns out though that they were only moving something like 6-8 km a day (I forget the exact number), because they were moving like I did, with one unit going forward slowly (usually on foot) while covered by the others.


>How bout a QB next?


Maybe--I still like the scenarios though. smile.gif The problem with any scenario converted from Squad Leader is that in that game, you have a good idea where the enemy's forces are, even if you use concealment or even dummy counters. Therefore, the amount of time needed to advance is shorter. Let me

look and see if I can find a scenario that looks fun.


"Just something I wanted to add: many people who design scenarios don't understand how slowly real commanders advanced; they assumed real commanders stumbled forward blindly like they do in wargames. Rushing in may actually be better in the long run (the progress you make can keep the enemy from respositioning reserves and thereby save lives in the long run), but it's not something real commanders could convince their men to do. smile.gif


">BTW, could I post your comments on "Prelude to

>Breakthru" to the "Scenario Forum"? I only get yours

>from this week only. I will go ahead on your green



You're welcome to. Let me add this though. Combat in hedgerow country takes even longer than normal combat. Historically, progress was very very slow, even slower than normal advances.



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

[This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-24-2001).]

[This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-24-2001).]

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There is quite a bit of controversy in the 'converters' community as to the proper 'conversion' rate between ASL turns and CM turns. A straight conversion yields 2 CM turns for each ASL turn, while I have maintained that a 4 to 1 conversion is a little more optimal. Most of the other scenarios on the ASL2CM site use the two for one turns conversion rate so they are very short - too short to me anyway.

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I am wondering if we should increase the number of turns to at least 30. I would be harder for German. Any ideas?

BTW, I am not sure but how is airpower handled in ASL in contrast to CM?



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

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I haven't played that particular scenario and I don't have the original scenario card so I can't comment on the length. A 50% increase in length would probably help though.

Airpower in ASL is handled ... similar to the way it is done in CM. Basically, you need to roll a number in order for the aircraft to show up, then a number of aircraft are randomly determined to arrive. Once the aircraft arrive, they are moved around on the map like any other unit only they basically have unlimited movement factors and you just strafe and bomb whatever you want to. If you roll a certain number you have a mistaken air attack and your opponent gets to choose one of your units and conduct an air attack on it.

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Thanks for the info.














Well any veteran CMBO player should well expect this:

Allied has at least 2 "fighter-bombers" carrying those deadly 500-pounders. Since fb are not controllable in CMBO, the game is played very differently in CMBO and I suppose ASL allows your airpower to do some aerial recon (gamey?) to reveal some of the Axis information, it is not that easy for the case of CMBO.

Lastly, should I just change the turn number and send it over to http://www.asl2cm.com/ ?



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

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smile.gif well there really is no such thing as gamey recon in ASL since nothing is hidden anyway. I would recommend that you just e-mail the designer and mention that an increased game length may be appropriate. 22 turns is probably too short for bocage fighting and perhaps a four to one conversion would be more appropriate than a two to one. So you may even double the time from 22 to maybe forty and try it again.
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NP Sir!

It is strange that it is Scott Orr's comments but why am I doing all the talkings? Strange isn't it? biggrin.gif

Hey Scott, but don't abandon the current game, okay? biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

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Originally posted by GriffinCheng+:

NP Sir!

It is strange that it is Scott Orr's comments but why am I doing all the talkings? Strange isn't it? biggrin.gif

Hey Scott, but don't abandon the current game, okay? biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

I'm here--but I have a slow connection to the U.S. from Poland, so I haven't been checking in too often.

If I remember correctly, not only is the turn length a little short, but the hedgerows are closer to together than on most maps.



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I played Prelude double-blind PBEM as Americans, and I lost. I found there wasn't enough time. The other problem is that there are four victory flags, but you need to exit your forces. There just doesn't seem to be enough time to do that.

I liked the map, though.

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