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Biggest letdown in CMBB demo so far...

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I fully agree, I hate the new tracers both in color and size and the same about tank rounds. They are hardly visible now!!! IT WAS THE BEST FEATURE OF CMBO, THAT I COULD INTRODUCE NEW PLAYERS QUICKLY & THEY COULD TELL APART WHAT`S GOING ON AT SCREEN RIGHT AWAY. Maybe some guys play the game on 21inch displays, but please note, that the game is not demanding about hardware. It will be played on older PCs which makes the things worse.

Please, fix the hardcoded thing ASAP or be aware that some of the bunch won`t enjoy it.

Originally posted by M. Bates:

I'd like the tracers to be a tad bigger as they are currently in CMBO. At the moment I am hearing gunfire, then having to click many units trying to see where the enemy LOS line is coming from.

Also tank rounds are a little tricky to see, I don't know if they've been reduced in size or not.

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Originally posted by nijis:

I kinda miss the shockwave

Was thinking about that too...

But I think I like it better without it, of course my 81 mm mortar impacts doesn't look nearly as impressive as they used to, but they do look more realistic. Just as with the tank rounds, you don't see them either flying about in real life. So far it is the "little" tweaks like these along with the much, eh, less binary damage environment for tanks and infantry that creates a much less arcade like feel...

That's my impression so far... More subtle, more realistic. I'm a bit surprised at just how different it feels, in a positive way smile.gif

A little more dust kick-up from the fighting would be nice, but that might be in the full game...


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I hope Iget used to the new "realistic" way tracer, tank rounds, and artillery rounds look. For me, I end up squinted and searching for what is going on. Reduces the immersion factor IMHO.

But, I suspect some of this can be modded and I shall get used to the rest smile.gif


P.S. And the new mouse "top half" left/right rotate, "bottom half" side to side is going to take much getting used to. :(

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The biggest letdown was that I have not seen any ninjas yet in the CMBB demo, nor has it been confirmed that they are in the final game. I am pretty damn sure ninjas werent limited exclusively to the Pacific Front. And as has been suggested before, russian super snipers were actually ninjas, which accounts for their impressive kill ratios and the heads exploding from their victims. I know ninjas, like naval guns,can be totally mean/sweet and unbalance games, but the option should be there. Just make them very expensive, to account for their awesome kickass power. And there is a downside to them, if they run out of enemies in the immediate vicinity, they will commit sepuku and your 1500pt investment is no more. You just have to learn to live with it.

[ September 02, 2002, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: Epée ]

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First, I'm not big on the topic title of this thread since it sounds like CM:BB is just a big pile of letdowns and this thread is devoted to listing the biggest ones. I'm very impressed with the monsterous amount of work that the Battlefront.com team has expended to get CM:BB this far. Great job!

I am so excited about CM:BB and I'm so impressed by the talent of the BF.com team that I'm actually putting my thoughts of how to make the game even better into words. There's no other game out there that inspires me to actually write down what I think would make it even better.

Just want it to be clear to BF.com that I applaud their efforts and that I am enjoying the demo very much.

I would improve the game by:

Adding a way to go back to the previous screen while browsing scenarios. Currently, once you pick one, you have to advance through all the screens, load the map & graphics, and only then can you Abort and return to the main screen. You can't read the scenario summary or detail, decide you don't want to play it and return to the main screen.

"Side turret hit." What side? Please consider adding some "left / right" detail when it's appropriate.

Like in CM:BO, you can determine what experience level your enemy is. I've never read a good explanation of how my troops could know if the enemy is Green, Regular or Veteran experience. I think it should be up to the player to watch the enemy's behaviour and figure that out for himself.

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