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MikeT's "Sunflowers" Mod!


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As always thanks and glad you like it. It doesn't look as good as I wanted but does add a certain color to a battle.

Next up I will finish my Finnish snow uniform troopers, I have a new set of bmps for Russian sheepskin hats for all garrison cap infantry, then I am thinking about the Russian peasant buildings with white walls and grass roofs. I am considering using the small building mods from DFDR and the grass roofs from the Pacific mod.


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You know, I had an idea I'd like to toss out on the pavement and see if the cat licks it up.

Instead of using that green grass-looking base, what about if you were to take the doodad picture and make a base out of that? That way, you'd have the green and yellow flowers and it wouldn't look weird from view 3+

I'd do this but I have no artistic talent whatsoever. Anyhow, I do love it MikeT I just find the green hard to distinguish as being farmland at the higher elevations.

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Well speaking as a mod challenged person myself, mind you all I have is windows paint. Check out my "mods" I just cut and paste. Nothing more and nothing less. I am in awe of all those that create these mods. Dave Singer who did so many mods for my theater projects is an artist. Same goes for bfamily33, saddly he has dropped off the radar screen. Japanzer who did overtime work on the Pacific. Gordon, who recently decided to stop modding, is an artist. There are so many I just admire.

Now give the project a try. Experiment and make mistakes, you learn so much from those. Give this idea try. I considered myself but was unsure how it would look.


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