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Casualties not adding up

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I did a search on the forum but couldn't find anything. I'm sure this has already been discussed or else I'm just doing something completely wrong.

Playing as the Americans, at the end of a battle, the AAR shows how many total Axis casualties were inflicted. You can also go back to the map at the end of the battle to view how many casualties each of your units inflicted.

If I cycle through all my American units and add up the number of casualties they supposedly inflicted, it doesn't even come close to the total number of casualties displayed in the AAR screen.

I've never noticed this before. Does anyone know what's going on here? Why the discrepancy? :confused:

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What you don't see on the unit's 'kill total' are any unidentified casualties they have inflicted, even at game end. This is most noticable with artillery spotters and on-map artillery and mortars. I believe that this has been changed in CM:BB, perhaps someone who has that game can confirm.

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Changed in CMBB? I think it will be evn harder to see the "true" casualty totals in CMBB b/c of the Extreme Fog of War. Even without EFOW it would not necessarily be a good idea to see actual casualties inflicted, unless it really only shows at the end of the battle and not during.

As for CMBO, you don't get to see how many true casualties your units inflict... the only way to do it is to get your opponents password and watch the action from his POV.

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Originally posted by Herr Kruger:

Changed in CMBB? I think it will be evn harder to see the "true" casualty totals in CMBB b/c of the Extreme Fog of War. Even without EFOW it would not necessarily be a good idea to see actual casualties inflicted, unless it really only shows at the end of the battle and not during.

Agreed, you won't see it during the game with FOW or EFOW, but I thought someone said that at the end of the game the full details will be available in CMBB, which is what I thought Green Hornet was asking about.
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It has changed in CMBB; at the end of the battle, true casualties-inflicted counts are revealed regardless of FOW status.

Note, 'tho, the numbers may still not add up:

- Units which left the battlefield aren't there anymore, so you can't check their kill count. This includes air support, since that never sticks around.

- Minefields cannot be selected, IIRC, so you can't find out how well they did (this is mostly an issue with AP mines, obviously).

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