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CMBB demo?

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Sorry guys did a search but no real answers came up. Is there going to be a demo? the way it looks is no since the release date is going ot be annouced "very soon."

Dont need a demo but it would be nice to be able to play the game while I wait for my order to come in when its announced.

Great job BTS. CMBO is awsome...CMBB looks to be even better.

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A demo will not be released before the game goes retail. The main reason is that it would push the sale of the retail game back. IIRC, putting a CMBO demo out actually delayed the release of the game for a month(s). I do recall one of the BFC team mentioning that a demo might[i/] be released after the game had gone retail

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Last I heard was that it would come out a bit after the retail release. As mention above, this will alow them to complete the game and then release a demo.

CMBO was a different story in some ways. The game had not been proven by the masses and they still needed to tweak a few gameplay aspects and other points of the game. With a solid base of CMBO and CMBO fanatics, CMBB will come out strong and solid.


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Actually, I'd prefer to never download the demo; would spoil the game to much for me. I'd rather just buy the game, and enjoy it straight out fo the box. With a demo I'd have an idea of how the full game would look, which I'd rather not do (a surprise kinda thing).

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