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tank fear

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this is a morale question. Why does any infantry squad runabout near an enemy tank when "logicaly" they would hide/run. i ordered a bailed out ! morale tank crew to run past an unbuttoned sherman105 to attract their attention and they did it!, how mad is that. people on foot should be **** scared of afvs and even more so if they don't have an at capalability and or can't see somthing friendly that has. I am a newbie but i find that giving "impossible" orders very strange.

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Well you can order them to do it, but a bailed out tank crew would never sacrifice themselves like that,they would go home to get a new tank post haste. My main point is that in cmbo people on foot are braver than i expected. I didn't expect troops to standup to armour as much as they have (I have only played v the ai so far)

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I have to agree with you Simon. You can give your forces orders that are, while not impossible, rather unlikely to be obeyed by any normal person - especially not a shocked or at least rather unhappy recently bailed out tank crew. JasonC (I think it was him) recently posted a real life AAR and it clearly showed that in real life troops were not as heroic as they are in the game.

In defence of the game though, to make it playable (and fun) your troops do have to be fairly cooperative. It's frustrating enough now when your troops that have gotten upset go off and do their own (and often quite stupid) thing. Imagine how the game would be if your bazooka team just ignored your order to run forward on their own to take out a tank that you could see was vunerable

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Spot on redwolf. Also, remember that just because you can do something, doesn't mean it's a good idea. Tank crews give away a lot of points when killed/captured. You'd be better using a split squad to attract fire. And yes, you'll see lots of strange things in CMBO if you play long enough, but mostly you'll see an awesomely accurate wargame at work. Strange things happen in real war too.

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Thanks for the replys/views/tips chaps

I hasn't thought about the points issue Monty, so I will be exiting my crews asap and using split squads instead.

I QBed last night as the germans for the first time and got my first major victory. Thanks to the power of the mg42. That gun must be the best infantry weapon on all sides, coupled with a timely 120mm mortar barrage the US infantry broke and ran I was v chuffed.

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