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What scenarios had the best surprises?

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i was wondering what scenarios you thought had a good 'surprise' or two in it and where to get it.

by surprise i mean for example, reinforcements that arrive in the nick of time, or advancing onto a bridge only to discover a far off inf gun that is covering it.

my fave was from a scenario where i was locked to a jeep view and it was leading a column when it hit a minefield...funny stuff

(please don't reveal the surprise, at least not in the top part of the message)



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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I'm just getting started with the CM CD after a long (out of stock, again!) wait for it--and thus am no expert, and, anyway, this may be old news to most of you-- but one operation on the CD with a lot of "reinforcements arriving in the nick of time" for BOTH sides is Team DeSobry, a hair-raising fight all around, IMHO, plus a historically fascinating look at the battle to hold a key village north of Bastogne.

SPOILER Alert***


As Americans, in the middle of scenario 5 of six, I had knocked out all but one Axis AFV (a mere Hummell hiding behind a hill) & had killed most of their infantry except a few crews and was ready to roll the Germans back to the end of the board (or so I thought) when suddenly a couple of Tigers and other AFVs and what looked like a whole company of infantry swarmed over that same hill the Hummell was hiding behind and suddenly it was a whole new battle. I knocked out most of the new armor but lost a few of my own. If I'd known those babies were coming I would have hung back in more defensive positions and been stingier with my arty & mortar fire, much of which I had earlier wasted on little pockets of supressed opposition, so I had nothing left for that exposed Axis infantry. Now, with four tanks or TDs and one Greyhound plus a few scout cars with .50MGs--the armor carnage on both sides has been tremendous and that damned lurking Hummell nailed one of my Shermans in the last second of the whole fifth scenario--I'm back to defending the village of Noville as the final night turn begins, having advanced my infantry only about 200m in front of it. I have a lot of infantry (including a fresh platoon of paratroopers, but no new AFVs), so I should be OK if the Axis doesn't get MAJOR new reinforcements, but after that last scenario, who knows? Actually, I'm now hoping reinforcements will arrive for ME in the nick of time.

I imagine this operation is equally rugged for the Axis.

Any tips on using artillery or mortars in night battles? I've got a lot of mortars with small new ammo allowances plus a resupplied 105 & 155 F0s, and I know the enemy has a lot of infatry I could shoot at, including worrisome--at night--SMG squads. But how do I best target these suckers at night? Are there LONGER delays for FO arty fire when its out of LOS at night? Or is it about the same as in daytime?

Speaking of surprises, I also had a Priest that I thought was safely hidden away for later in the battle nailed in the tail by an angled shot between two houses from a light AT gun the Germans had smuggled into a patch of woods on my left during the night. That really made me mad!

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