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Achillies Texture Problem

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Is it just me, or does the Achillies have a texture issue? Mine is missing the texture on the the front of the turret (lower-half) just behind the mantlet. I checked the bmps, and found (nine I belive) with no gap in the sequence (to make sure I wasn't missing a bmp).

Anyone else notice this, or am I missing something?

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The Achilles shares some BMP's with the Wolverine and Hellcat.

Who's mod are you using, because in the one i have there are 26 files that mod them all. This was one i hosted at COMBAT MISSIONS and was put together by Mike8g. This is a non-CMMOS mod, but i know that Marco also did his own CMMOS packaged version in either lo/hi-res.

Both of these are available at the HQ.

[ July 11, 2002, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: Manx ]

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On further investigation, it appears that:

Marco's CMMOS hi-res "Tank Destroyers" (minus optional bmp's) = 25 files, 10 of which are listed as being used for the Achilles.

Hull side: 3840.bmp

Hull top: 3841.bmp

Turret Side: 3842.bmp

Turret Top: 3843.bmp

Gun Barrel: 3844.bmp

Turret Rear: 3845.bmp

Hull Nose: 3846.bmp

Hull Rear: 3847.bmp

Mantlet: 3848.bmp

Counterweight top: 3849.bmp

Mike8g's non-CMMOS "Tank Destroyers" = 26 files.

This contains all those bmps used for the Achilles listed above in Marco's version, but the only difference i can spot between the two is that 4014.bmp is included in Mike's release, but is "missing" from Marco's. Now if it's correct that you only have 9 files anyway then something must have gone wrong somewhere. Check your file numbers with those above, and if they match-up okay then it looks like this 4014 file must be the problem. Make sense? smile.gif


[ July 11, 2002, 03:06 AM: Message edited by: Manx ]

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I also noticed that the new Achilles seems to be missing a texture on the front of the turret (lower-half). To check I reinstalled the old Achilles mod I had, but that mod also had a missing texture on the front of the turret.

I guess the Achilles has always looked like that.

Mr. Die Easy

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4014 is the interior turret side for M10, M36 & Achilles, plus who knows what other shared vehicles. The BTS one fitted well enough, so I let it as is.

4001 is the interior front & rear turret face of M10, M36 & Achilles, but ALSO the outside lower Turret front face of the Achilles, which is why I changed it to a compromise appearance texture.

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