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CMBO SE-Nice touch!

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As I mentioned before, I bought CMBO when it first came out. Modded it to the max (thank gawd for the mod installer smile.gif and have enjoyed it ever

since. But I bought SE because I thought it would be nice to have many of the mods on one cd and the minor tweaking that was done etc. (especially when I changed machines ;) I play CMBB for it has some very nice additions to CMBO. But really I prefer the Western Front (including Italy and North Africa :D So I looked forward to finally getting around to installing the SE. What all this leads up to is the great html page it installs on the desktop that not only allows many, many great links. And not only because it has the mod's easily accessiable, but that it even(!) has pic's of the mods in question. Anyway, I think this was a very nice touch and I

appreciate the added effort to this product.


p.s. I do wish tho' that it explained more exactly what the initial install has added to the gaming system. I'm assuming that the mod's one see's listed are additions that one can use, but other mod's or tweak's to the original system are what exactly?

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I myself just bought CMBO se, and started adding all the mods before I even started playing, what were the original enhancements? Or did you have to manually add all the mods? On another note I just dl'd like a few hundred mods off CMHQ, for CMMOS is there a site anywhere that reviews these mods, or recommendations or personal favorite setup for mods for CMBO, this trial and error will take a zillion years.

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Going from (slowly fading) memory here - the "pre-installed" mods in CMBO-SE are mainly terrain related graphics, like trees etc. Many of those are reworked from CMBB, actually. There are also a few new buildings Dan "Kwazydog" made for Normandy at a higher resolution than what the original CMBO release had. Most unit-related mods have to be installed manually as/if you like them.


PS. Crazed-one, I might be wrong, but the whole point of CMMOS is that you download anything you can get your fingers on and preview mods within the program, chose what you want to install before you start CM, and there you go. Or at least I always thought that's how it worked. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

[ August 27, 2003, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: Moon ]

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for CMMOS is there a site anywhere that reviews these mods, or recommendations or personal favorite setup for mods for CMBO, this trial and error will take a zillion years.
combatmissons.com (an awesome site) will let you see alot of the CMBO mods before you download.

With CMBO you dont get to see the Mods in CMMOS except for a small graphic with options to pick formation markings, etc... Though under the Ruleset you should see a complete write up of each mod. Since I have only been using it for a few months I know of no other way to determine this... I built a map with all units and terrain (took about 2 hours) and then I load the Mod and check the Map.. time consuming maybe.. but let me tell ya I designed a couple of scenarios called "A Walk in the Sun" and "Goomerville" and all of Magua's Normandy Mods made them look a whole ton better... With CMMOS for CMBB you can see the mod up front in the Mod tab before applying it in the Ruleset.. hope this helped...

and once you get the addiction the zillion years will seem like a few hours :D

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Thanks for info, another question so as not to start a new topic. I have CMMOS and EVERY CMBO CMMOS mod off www.combatmission.com, I realize some mods are installed differently for CMMOS than others, but I seem to be missing some of the CMMOS mods that were built into the rulesets, like the A30 for instance. Downloaded every single one but some are showing not installed, "Icon w/ red slash". Just missing a handful, the kubelwagon is another and are there any flak 88 or flak 20 textures? I couldnt find any. With the retail CMBO out it would be really nice if someone made a set of files to go with the default CMMOS installed ruleset, that fill in all the gaps. "PS do not attempt to download every file as it take multiple nightly sessions smile.gif "

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