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Good bocage maps

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Not all bocage maps capture the feel of the real thing, given the limitations of the map editor of course.

Can anyone recommend some scenarios with good bocage maps. Small to medium preferred. The forces involved don't really worry me as I only want the maps to test CM bocage fighting techniques. (In anticipation of the "make it yourself crowd" for some weird driver reason the editor doesn't work on my home PC and designing maps at work is not conducive to my productivity)

Thanks in advance.


"Stand to your glasses steady,

This world is a world of lies,

Here's a toast to the dead already,

And here's to the next man to die."

-hymn of the "Double Reds"

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Thanks Berli,

I did have a look at that one before but thought it was a little too big. Didn't think of cutting it down. Having tried a few myself I know it is hard to make an authentic looking bocage map with the limited number of tiles available.

Le Lorey is quite a good map too, thanks Mike. I never looked at the scenario because I have always felt trying to simulate a real life battle that was super flukey just leads to frustration when a whole pile of people whinge about how their pixelated Wittmann/Barkmann doesn't perform as history.

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Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Thanks Berli,

I did have a look at that one before but thought it was a little too big. Didn't think of cutting it down. Having tried a few myself I know it is hard to make an authentic looking bocage map with the limited number of tiles available.

I tend to make maps large... its easier to crop that add smile.gif My biggest beef is that you can't put the bocage right up to the road edge.

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Guest Napoleon1944

Working on a St. Lo Operation. Lots of Bocage to fight through.


The only enemy I fear is nature.


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Guest Offwhite

Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

My biggest beef is that you can't put the bocage right up to the road edge.

I've been toying around with simply placing bocage in adjacent squares. Sure, there isn't an actual road in between, but the resulting lane is a lot smaller than you can otherwise make, and if you set the environment to Dry, it shouldn't cause too many bogging problems.


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Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap

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