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Here's a big new one for you freewheeling armored buffs. As promised, I'm back in the saddle again. It will be submitted to Manx, but you can have it directly from me if he can't get to it right away. Here's the briefing -- and be prepared to slug it out in a major way..

TAURUS OVER THE ODON -- The First Battle of Hill 112

Location: Southwest of Caen

Date: June 28, 1944

Environment: Clear, Dry

Turns: 45

Size: Large

The 11th Armored Division (known for its distinctive "Taurus" symbol), was part of VIII Corps assault across the River Odon. Code-named "Operation Epsom", this assault was Montgomery's third attempt to take Caen. Since the beginning of the attack on June 25, the British had been seriously bogged down due to the spirited (some would say "fanatic") defense of the 12th SS Panzer Division (Hitler Youth). On June 27th, at approximately 1800 hours, the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders of 227nd Brigade managed to seize a small bridgehead on the Odon at Tourmaville. Thirty minutes later, the tanks and infantry of the 11th Armored crossed the river and assembled for an attack on Hill 112, the most dominant terrain feature in the area. This scenario simulates that attack, which took place the following morning. By the end of the day, Operation Epsom would be all but over -- and a month later both sides would still be slaughtering each other for possession of the hill.

This scenario is designed primarily for two-player play, and is briefed accordingly. The terrain is based on period photographs and 1/25,000 topographic maps, so its about as accurate as it gets (if I do say so myself). Optimized for FTC Rules, single player.

Comments? Frankrad@pacbell.net

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