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BTS: BUGS on Mac , 2 + 1?

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On Macintosh, G3 iBook, OS 9.0 , nuthin much special about the machine. Thmink it has an ATI 128 card of something, but these are not graphicky I don't think.

BUG #1

In CMBO Demo, CMBB Demo, and CMBB, there is a huge gaping maw of a crash when the book goes to sleep then wakes IFF ( CMBB is foreground app AND Book Sleeps ) THEN Book Dies Really Really Hard Death Upon Waking.

This is the kind of bug where the sys is frozen so bad that usually the "force-quit" micro dialog cannot even draw itself.

I haven't mentioned it before, because I early on discovered a very easy workaround- just don't let CMxx run when book goes to sleep! But now that I spend 104% of my waking time with CMBB, that workaround works less, and requires my precious memory to function, so this is starting to "bug" me. Please Fix.

Bug #2

Same system, load the scenario available at Scenario Depot entitled _Marsh Madness_. Description says "JaegerMeister", btw. Click continue, Crash. File itself does not appear corrupted. At a minimum, the UnZip application has not issues or errors with the zip file. On restart, there will be a new file in saved games folder called "Junk File Dkdfj Flkd jfkdE" or so.

Bug (?) #3

In Valley Of Trouble::CMBB , the "upgraded" scenario available I guess the same place, I was attacked by a Stuka 87B which was exhibiting the latest Klingon Kloaking Device Technology- the shadow of the plane appeared, but the plane itself was invisible. Bug?


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Only the shadows of planes appear, they're too high up to be seen (or you can think of it that way... smile.gif )

As for the others...I dunno. Could you hit Escape if you leave your computer for a while, so when you wake it up CM is in the background and the OS in the foreground? That might prevent that crash.

As for the file, just out of idle randomness, highlight the CM application, hit "get info" and crank up the minimum and prefered memory settings. I doubt very seriously this will help, but I have been suprised.

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Originally posted by Eden Smallwood:

On Macintosh, G3 iBook, OS 9.0 , nuthin much special about the machine. Thmink it has an ATI 128 card of something, but these are not graphicky I don't think.

BUG #1

In CMBO Demo, CMBB Demo, and CMBB, there is a huge gaping maw of a crash when the book goes to sleep then wakes IFF ( CMBB is foreground app AND Book Sleeps ) THEN Book Dies Really Really Hard Death Upon Waking.

This is the kind of bug where the sys is frozen so bad that usually the "force-quit" micro dialog cannot even draw itself.

I haven't mentioned it before, because I early on discovered a very easy workaround- just don't let CMxx run when book goes to sleep! But now that I spend 104% of my waking time with CMBB, that workaround works less, and requires my precious memory to function, so this is starting to "bug" me. Please Fix.

Bug #2

Same system, load the scenario available at Scenario Depot entitled _Marsh Madness_. Description says "JaegerMeister", btw. Click continue, Crash. File itself does not appear corrupted. At a minimum, the UnZip application has not issues or errors with the zip file. On restart, there will be a new file in saved games folder called "Junk File Dkdfj Flkd jfkdE" or so.

Bug (?) #3

In Valley Of Trouble::CMBB , the "upgraded" scenario available I guess the same place, I was attacked by a Stuka 87B which was exhibiting the latest Klingon Kloaking Device Technology- the shadow of the plane appeared, but the plane itself was invisible. Bug?


Bug #1

YES if the power book sleeps and you playing CMBO or CMBB you have only one choice REBOOT. This issue never really bothered me all the much.

Bug #2 ??Don't know

Bug #3 in both CMBO and CMBB ALL aircraft are represented by a shadow and the noise of an aircraft passing over head. Perhaps you should check the manual to realize your expectations are beyond the ability of the game to show actual aircraft.

BTW I play CMBO and the CMBB demo on the 400 mHz G3 mac laptop.

-tom w

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Originally posted by busboy:

Only the shadows of planes appear, they're too high up to be seen[...]

I thought that might have been it, but the yellow line going up to that "unit" sort of emphasized it's "notness". Anyhow, thanks- that feels better.

Could you hit Escape if you leave your computer for a while, so when you wake it up CM is in the background and the OS in the foreground?
Well it depends on what you mean by "could". As I say, the reason a workaround doesn't work is because it requires me to remember, and it's just in the nature of the situation... When does one's computer go to sleep? When you get distracted with something else, zoning out... See what I mean?

As for the file, just out of idle randomness, highlight the CM application, hit "get info"...

If only it were that simple. ( BS in Computer Science and Math from UCDavis; Macintosh only freelance programmer, btw ) Well, thank goodness this is the only bug that really bites me, but it would be great if they could fix it.


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Originally posted by busboy:

Could you hit Escape if you leave your computer for a while, so when you wake it up CM is in the background and the OS in the foreground? That might prevent that crash.

I found back in the BO days, and it has carried over to BB, that if I escape to desktop and put my Mac to sleep without first quitting CM, when I come back the graphics are all goofy, usually a very simplified black and white.

With BB, I have also discovered a further glitch. If I wake my Mac up and launch CM without first restarting, I get these strange (though rather attractive) multi-colored graphics on uniforms and some vehicles. I have screenshots if anybody wants to put them up. They're actually kind of neat, but I don't want to play that way because they definitely contravene the immersion factor!

:eek: ;)


[ October 17, 2002, 05:35 PM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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Well, you can always disable your computer's sleep mode.

As for the crash problem, the only other suggestion I have is to take another hour out of your life and reinstall the entire game. (don't hurt me!)

I remember back in CMBO if my MOD system cut a BMP or two, it might cause a crash when I'd launch a mission that needed a certian BMP. I suffered from game crashes for a long time until I figured out that I had squeezed a file so full that it cut out a bunker BMP. Therefore, everytime I went to load a mission with a bunker in it...pfft!

The catch here is, the program would crash after trying to launch the mission (in other words, while the graphics were loading.) It sounds to me like your program is crashing before that point. If I misunderstood, though, a corrupt BMP might be your problem. I don't think its likely.

See if a reinstallation doesn't fix it. If it doesn't, drop me an e-mail at "busboy@integtechnology.com" and I'll send you my working copy of that scenario. If that works, then somehow your scenario file was corrupted. If not, then somehow there's something in the program.

With your credentials, you obviously know more about these operations than I do sir, but maybe my few years of Mac CMing might help. smile.gif

Best of luck!

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Originally posted by Panzerman:

Strange, I have never had that problem.

you have never had you mac sleep while you were away from CMBO and then when you woke it up there was only a WHITE screen and nothing works and you had to reboot?

Try it

open CMBO

let the mac sleep

wake it up

what happens?

-tom w

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