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AF (Foxarts) Axis uniform pack - query

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I've downloaded this pack which I think is excellent. I think I've dropped a bit of a clanger though. I can't actually fine a Gerbigsjager zip (forgive the spelling) but have installed most of the other mods. The trouble is my GJs now seem to be wearing grey uniforms with green cammo arms? :( Anyone know if there is a specific zip in this pack for GJs (it's a big download and I may have accidentally deleted it) or whether the GJs share textures with other troops that may be causing this?

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Just need to check this before I delete a file from one of the sets that I shouldn't.

The sleeve file is 5061. However, I checked through ALL the other troop type zips and have found a 5061 in the 'splinter' uniform that came with the tank crew set. There is also a sleeve in the splinter set, 5017 I think. Should there be a 5061 in the splinter set at all?

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Thanks for that. Didn't realise Heer shared with GJs. I just did a dummy run with it deleted and it did just that.

Thinks I'll just create a GJ right arm zip to install for when I've used them. Installing the heer grey set seemingly does not overwrite the GJs 5061 file. presumably because of the Edelweiss. Or should that 5061 be in the heer grey too. Perhaps I left it out of that by mistake. Getting in a right bloody mess here :rolleyes:

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Don't get yourself too out of sorts just yet with the uniforms. CMMOS 3.02 was ready for release about ten days ago, and it included, among other things, Keith Carter's brilliantly encyclopaedic collection of all the German uniforms you would ever want, historical commentary and usage notes on each of them, and a small selection of recruiting poster icons for comparison.

The original release (which should have happened a week ago) was postponed because of Manx's departure. Predictions are hazardous, but I would expect a release around May Day.

Not all clouds are without silver linings, though. A little bird told me that there might be several exceptionally good new mods in it, including one by an entirely new author.

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