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In case anyone is interested

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I went through and organized all the scenarios I have downloaded over the last year and a half by ASL, Historical, Semi Historical, and Fiction, then by country (Except For The ASL battles). It took me almost a week with more than 60 hours at it. I am damn sure there were no duplicates, which is what got me started to begin with. This includes Operations as well.

I only included battles set in the time frame of CM and in the territories CM covers. There are 755 battles.

Maybe I could take a screen shot and someone could post it here for me, so you can get an idea of what it looks like. Now when I search for battles I do it by Fiction, Hist, or SemiHist, and then by what country I am interested in fighting in at that moment. I think it also helps with deciding what terrain you might want to use.

If people are interested maybe someone would host the files. I couldn't send them all out if alot of people are interested. They'd have to be downloaded somewhere.


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Thanks for the Thanks Terror. Next week I am gonna reorder them again this time country first.

I did it Historical/Semi/Fiction then Country because that is usually how I search for a game to play. After I did all of them I figured I'd mention it so some others could get some use from it too.

If you'd like me to send them let me know and I'll do it after I get some sleep.

My brain is burnt out from reading all these files. I went through almost three thousand files believe it or not since Sunday or Monday. There were quite a few duplicates that I had plus I read through all the files on The CM Scenario Depot site so it came close to 3000...and BTW hats off to you guys. I KNOW exactly what you went through getting that site together!


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Your very welcome Peiper I am glad I did something that some other people could benefit from.

And Ligur, if you only knew! What a damn hornets nest I opened up! Titles of battles named one thing, zips named another, and CMBs named something else. It was a nightmare. But well worth it when I finished. The next round won't be so bad all I'll have to do is switch the Country with the Background and Vice Versa. Alot quicker.


[ March 02, 2002, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: Mord ]

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