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CMBO windowed ?

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Is there any way or running CMBO windowed ?

Yes I know I can Alt+Tab and as im using

WinXP pro and and Nvidia based graphics card

I suppose I should be happy that CM is working

at all ..... but the option of running it in a window would be convenient (sometimes)



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Actually DirectX (Direct3D) can run in a window, but the app must be written to work that way from the outset, and CM is not. In the DirectX SDK documentation, refer to the D3DDISPLAYMODE and D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS structs, for example.

It would make a cool feature, though, and I believe the code changes should probably be restricted to the initialization code.

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I wasn't implying that it is impossible for a DirectX game to be window-ed. It's just that it is very uncommon since a window-ed environment can have a huge impact in reducing the performance of a game. Therefore most developers don't bother adding the additional code to support such a configuration (since it may also lead to additional problems with scaling and artifacts, etc.).

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