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Infantry Noise Intel

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Okay, I know this has been discussed, but I can never get the search to work for me.

How can one reduce the level of noise that the infantry makes. It seems to me that no matter what I use, "move", "sneak", or "run", the infantry troops make all the racket of a brass band on parade down main street. Hollering orders and shouting that can be heard all over the battlefield. Is there a sshhh command somewhere?

Now, I know I'm missing something on account of I rarely hear the enemy infantry. So what am I doing wrong?

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The commands that the infantry are saying have no effect on spotting. When you give a squad any sort of move order, CM plays from a set of wavs that go along with this. You could delete all the wavs and make your guys silent, but it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference in game.

Just like camo mods dont make you tanks harder to spot, sounds don't have any similar effect

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That is what I thought originally. However, I've had several opponents comment on the sounds my infantry are making, particularly when ordered to run. On rare occasion, I have also heard enemy infantry, but only rarely. (These are all situations where there is no LOS or sound contact established). The fact that more than one opponent has made the comment and what's worse, zero'd in on my location due to the volumn of sound makes this an annoying little mystery.

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I do recall a sound bug like this. If your troops can hear enemy troops, but cannot see them, it is possible for the player to roam the camera about and locate the enemy by "sound location," that is listening for the enemy sounds to increase/decrease in volume.

I've tried it on a few times, and it's a lot of trouble that I'd rather do without. I don't have 30 minutes to spend on each CMBO turn.


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Even if this was true (I thought you could only hear the enemy .wavs after you saw them), deleting your files still wouldn't make a difference. Your mods won't show up on his screen when he sees your vehicles, and its the same prinicple for sound. You'd have to get him to delete all his enemy wavs in order to truly make you silent

[ April 21, 2002, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Captain Wacky ]

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Why do you keep talking about deleting wav files Wackey? The crux of the issue is one can hear, and be heard in infantry movement instances. Whether or not it was intentional to the game, what I want to know is how to limit that within the game not ask the opponent to turn off their sound. Now, my observations seem to indicate that the move command actually causes less hollering by the lil cyber leaders than the sneak, and ofcourse the run command. What are the experiences of others in this area? Any grogology test results available on this issue?

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Yeah I figure that's right. But the blighters are hearing something. My opponents keep telling me so.

{{It was at this point that Bruno first began to suspect a huge conspiracy was underway with each gaming ladder instructing its members to fabricate outlandish claims of infantry noise}}.

I knew it came from the grassy knoll, I just knew it. :D

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Why do you keep talking about deleting wav files Wackey? The crux of the issue is one can hear, and be heard in infantry movement instances. Whether or not it was intentional to the game, what I want to know is how to limit that within the game not ask the opponent to turn off their sound. Now, my observations seem to indicate that the move command actually causes less hollering by the lil cyber leaders than the sneak, and ofcourse the run command. What are the experiences of others in this area? Any grogology test results available on this issue?

I'm talking about deleting wav files because that's the only way you're going to limit the infantry movement sound. And in order to get that and have your troops be silent you'd have to get your opponent to do the same on his machine.
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Yeah I know that, but ain't nobody gonna go and do that. Ah, the grogs ain't what they used to be. Why there was a time when three people would have already run a test ten times by now to verify the various sound levels according to the command given and provided a spreadsheet of the results.

What's that sound mod of yers do anyway?

[ April 21, 2002, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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