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Patch link missing from CDVs site

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>For that reason and that alone I am willing

>to "accept" their involvment with our beloved


Actually, that's a pretty valid point. A fairly pants (according to some) European partner is better than no European partner at all.

(Yes, I know one could use that truism to make a political joke... make your own punchlines up folks, I know you want to!)

To paraphrase the UK comedian Mark Lamarr "I say 'accept' their involvement, I mean to say 'tolerate'... Actually, when I say 'tolerate' I mean 'resist the urge to pull their fingernails out with pliars whilst beating them over the head with a printed copy of the manual whilst screaming about the shortcomings of pdf format documentation'"

It's a great game, I'm glad I was able to get hold of a copy so quickly and I've only had minor compatibilty problems in PBEM (which may or may not be CDV's fault).

Being able to take potshots at infantry with ATR's is one lovely plus of the patch :)

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Following my thread earlier, and comments from others in this thread, here is an open letter to BTS!

Dear BTS, I have been an avid, and somewhat uncritical supporter of CM since before CMBO came out. I raised no objection to the license deal with CDV, since I am quite happy with your logic on that. However, the perforance of CDV over the 1.01 patch cannot but reflect badly on the game support, and BTS. I work in an industry where licensing is common. However, I know it is a 2 edged sword. The poor (non existant) support and information from CDV hurts YOUR reputation as well as their's. For your own good, I would suggest that you pursuade CDV to publish something as to what's going on, and improve their customer support ASAP.

Since CDV are at least partly responsible for the patch being 3 times the size as it should be, it would be a nice gesture if they would put it on a disc (available by post at a nominal fee) for us modem users, or make some other attempt to offset the size. The best attempt I have been able to get so far offered 12 hrs download from a US site at a rediculously slow rate. This is doubtless because there are a lot of Europeans trying to get hold of it, when CDV have pulled it. Even getting it included in some magazine cover discs would help.

I have put this on your site, since ultimately, (unfortunately for you) you will have to enforce the improvements needed from CDV.

As an aside, the only reason why I am not furious over this state of affairs, is that the game is SO GOOD, that as v1, I haven't scraped the surface yet!

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Read both comments to my minor rant and both have points i can agree with ... or at least tolerate :D not going to go any further as i dont think this board needs another CDV debate !

I still dont like them though !! :D

As for the patch availablility ...

There is a difference in files size and name between the original release and the new CDV release...

New Patch = CMBB_v1_01_Patch 68 135 191

Old patch = cmbb_v1_01_patch 68 135 388

I'll bet the difference is the removal of the "ss" icons


Editted as one of the links didnt work correctly

and i cant type !

[ November 28, 2002, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]

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