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What is the difference between Art and Art VT

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Do a search on Artillery VT for a detailed answer.

Basically VT shells have a small rader in the nose which explodes them a certain distance off the ground... 30 metres from memory, raining steel down on infantry like a giant shotgun. This means they are much more effective than shells which hit the ground and dig in, which reduces thier effectiveness.

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Basically, VT is best against troops in open ground, because they have nowhere to run from the fragments. It is next to useless against troops in buildings, because you have to knock the building down for maximum effect, and VT doesn't do that well. VT is also good against troops in woods; it's like a treeburst with every round.


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But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

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What experiances has anyone had using VT rounds against armor that is not buttoned and open topped armor and 1/2 tracks. Seem to me it should be very effective against killing the tank commander before he buttons up. Im asking this because in a PBEM I have going. I have spotted his Tiger with his commander up and have order 25lb VT down on him. Am I waisting my time and ammo?


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If the VT arrives on target, the TC should definitely be at risk of serious injury! There may even be a small chance of a top penetration (very small given it's a Tiger).


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