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How can I simulate an amphib landing?

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I have tried with the boats in the game but when I try to start the scenario with the units coming on as reinforcements, they all start on the land and not in the boats. Suggestions? What am I missing?

It would be really cool if perhaps BTS or someone could come up with a Higgins boat or "Mike" boat, (LCM), that could be loaded when it comes on as reinforcements to make beach assault scenarios. Perhaps even an LVT. They could have an attack capability too with their mounted MGs. BTS...hint...hint... :0) I did look thru the forums in a limited manner but to no avail. Thanks fellas, pcpilot out...

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They could have an attack capability too with their mounted MGs.
My dad was on a LCT at Omaha Beach on D-Day and said that they were not allowed to shoot their 20mm guns because of fear of hitting their own guys. Thus I don't think that the guns on landing craft were used very often. I think they were mostly their for AA use.

Even so, Iwould love to see landing craft in CM someday (maybe in CMII).

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Unfortunately, reinforcement infantry never enters the map mounted on its transport, whatever transport this maybe.

When hinting to BTS, let me add another one: what would be really cool is if the scenario editor would not provide "replacement markers", but allow map setup for reinforcing units, too (i.e. 5 times the same map, one for the initial forces and one per reinforcement).

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It can be done, because I've done it. I think the reinforcement marker has to be placed far enough (a couple of tiles?) away from land so that the computer has no choice but to fill the boats. You can't change who goes in what, so you end up with odd mixes, but that's no big deal. Post your email and I'll send you the scenario (don't use the one on my profile, it's down at the mo).

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Originally posted by Ozzy:

Unfortunately, reinforcement infantry never enters the map mounted on its transport, whatever transport this maybe...

There are key commands that determine the reinforcement formation. I think that if you place the marker, and then before doing anything else press ALT-C they arive in collumn mounted. If no one else posts you a note on the other ones, I'd suggest a search of past posts on "reinforcements"....
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Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

Really?! Never heard that. You're not just making it up, are you?

Anyway, reading the first post in the thread I had an idea. Built little "boats" of land just a tile or two in size and place them right next to the beach, connected by a ford tile. Then put reinforcement markers on the boat tiles. When the reinforcments arrive, the troops should all be clustered together (maybe with an eager few already across the ramp and onto the beach). You could have up to 5 boats "land" in this way (and a sixth could be "at-start" forces).

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Making it up? :eek:

No, I am pretty sure going from memory that it is a feature I've used in scenario creation from time to time. (BTW - since the computer AI player is so reluctant to actually unlimer troops you have to be careful with this.) I'd have to do some tests with the editor to make sure, I do not have CM on my NT machine here at work...

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I did a fast test with a platoon of inf and 3 HT's and jeep as reinforcement. They came on board mounted and ready to roll.

I did a test with boats and inf. as reinforcement. With the marker in the water the inf was loaded in the boats and ready to land. This last test was with and without the crossing tiles by the beach.


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Originally posted by L.Tankersley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dirtweasle:


Really?! Never heard that. You're not just making it up, are you? [QB]</font>
I cannot duplicate this now... Though I could swear I read a post about it and have done it... I've tried the search thingy, with the predictable frustrating results and cannot find any more on the subject.


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*SIGH*, there are just so many interesting landing craft that its a shame they aren't in the game. LCAs, LCMs, LCTs, LCIs and so on and so on.

Perhaps the best way I've thought of simulating this is through the use of wooden bridges. Place your bridges, perpidecular to the beach and have them go out three or four squares. At the other end, place a single square island. This will then simulate the sort of restricted approach that landing craft exits forced on forces landing. If you place your reinforcement markers on the small islands, then the only way to the beach is along the "landing craft".

Its not that satisfactory but its adequate IMO.

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Originally posted by Brian:

*SIGH*, there are just so many interesting landing craft that its a shame they aren't in the game. LCAs, LCMs, LCTs, LCIs and so on and so on.

One thought that crossed my mind as I was reading a discussion on the development of the engine rewrite was that it would be a good thing if it could be coded so that parts of it could be used in a naval sim. There are very few really good WW II naval sims available, and none on the Mac at present. This could be a fertile ground to explore if BTS ever wants to branch out. In addition to all the good landing scenarios in European/North African waters, just imagine all those good scraps in the Solomon Islands! Night battles between PT boats and armored barges, anyone?

smile.gifsmile.gif :cool: smile.gifsmile.gif

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Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by L.Tankersley:

[qb] </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dirtweasle:


Really?! Never heard that. You're not just making it up, are you? </font>
I cannot duplicate this now... Though I could swear I read a post about it and have done it... I've tried the search thingy, with the predictable frustrating results and cannot find any more on the subject.

redface.gif </font>

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