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We need those horses...!

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Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

While horses (and motorcycles) won't be modelled in CMBB, I believe there should be dismounted cavalry units. Basically if they had a different TO&E from other units, then BTS's intent was to include them. So I believe that you'll see dismounted cavalry and motorcycle troops in CMBB.

On second look I actually think I'd be surprised not to see them - BTS has commented that they're using (among other things) Zaloga's Red Army Handbook, which has a section devoted specifically to Soviet cavalry. Their organization was quite unique and they existed in significant numbers throughout the war. They were major players in the Moscow counteroffensive and Winter general offensives, given the Red Army's shortage of tanks (and everything else) at the time.


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Originally posted by MikeyD:

But if horses come in you'd have to construct a horse polygon that was at least not laughably bad, do live horse and dead horse animation, create single individual soldiers to ride the horses (you can't fit a whole platoon onto one horse!) These are pretty big hurdles and I'd hate to see CMBB delayed for 6-8 months wrassling with them.

What about the shovel brigades?

While perusing a German division OOB, I noticed they had a vet unit to take care of the animals. They also seemed to have a butcher unit.

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I strongly support Steve in the opinion that the Polish cavalry did not charge German Panzers. Rather, there was an incident in which Polish cavalry seriously mauled a German supply unit (motorized) while on horseback. Some light tanks came up and drove the Poles away. The next day, an Italian journalist saw some dead horses and Polish cavalry, along with one of the light tanks. Thus began the myth of the Polish cavalry charging armored units.

I still think it'd be interesting to see Cavalry units included, though. Perhaps a mounted/dismounted option, like the Germans have the motorized/armored option with their panzergrenadiers.

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