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Scenario test play help wanted...

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Built this scenario with allied attacker (about 2100 pnts) UK and German defender (like I had an option - with 1800 points). As it has been very hard to balance and some drastic measures have been used since the previous playtesting it could be considered brand new. Drafts of briefing are also included and the deployment is made after historical guidelines.

Problem is that the only way of distribution is via e-mail (as long as my wife sits home writing her graduation work) so if anyone can be bothered with this...

I'll check this topic daily so leave your e-mail in order to receive it.

No need for detailed AAR:s (you can't be bothered with such as this is still a draft) but I'm hoping to receive good hints concerning the balance (Axis bonus suggestions, reinforcement deployment and anything else you can come up with from weather to length....) as this one has been a bit tricky.

For solitaire play German side is recommended though two player game feedback is the more valued...

Thanks in advance laddies!

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I'll give it a shot, e-mail's in my profile.

I do wonder about the quality of play as the German defense, though, because the AI usually does poorly on the attack coupled with less than at least 2:1 in favor of the attackers.

I'll reserve my final judgement 'til after playing though smile.gif

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