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Terrain elements are really weird looking.

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Make sure that terrain elements are on then go look at the rocky ground texture. What do you see? I see "criss-crossing" of textures. That is, the rocks that stick out have two textures to them. (sorry, can't explain it right)

Anyway, the graveyard is the most noteworthy example of using the double crossing method, it looks really strange and I don't like it.

Can someone post a few pictures before I go insane? I think this is worth discussing since I feel that it just adds another burden to the CPU for absolutely no payoff.

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I agree, the doodads do look great! The other option is to turn them off. All the doodads do this, from grass, brush, etc. I'm very happy BFC decided to add some more dimension by standing up some terrain BMPs.

The alternative would be adding actual 3D models and dressing them in textures, like what is done to the units. I dare say that this would further drive the game performance to its knees, since the maps can be so large!

I think the method used in CMBB is more than sufficient and I'm even surprised at the performance still obtained. Its a compromise, and one I think works wonderfully.

But to each their own. Turn it off (Shift-N) and play without if you wish. You won't see it changed in CMBB. I'm not qualified to say that officially, but I'll bet my right arm on it.

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