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It's probbly a bit to late, but an idea to increase CMBB replay ability

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One thing I've noticed about most CMBO scenarios is that once you play them once, it is a lot more boring playing them again even as the other side.

An idea I had is to maybe combine, he current quick battle and scenario system in place. The scenario designer can opt for the player/computer to chose what forces they wish to commit to the scenario from the units avaliable. The scenario designer has the power however to lay out any parameters they wish to include, like the max or min number of a particular unit you can take or what you can take at all. Like chosing from the battalion or divisional pool.

I'm sure it has been discussed before, but being able to chose your forces without knowing completely what the enemy is going to have, or the exact terrain set up would provide a sense of real interesting game play.

It's great the grace these forums again. What do you all think?

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i agree with you that after playing the same scenario twice the element of suprise is kinda gone.You always knows what to expect and where the enemy will show up...you even know when and where the reinforcements shows.

It would be cool if this could be random in every battle...just the map was the same.

ofcourse i understand that you cant choose a tank battle and suddenly have just inf...but that you atleast had some scenarios that was random.

I have noticed that when i played a battle i first had lost, the second time i played it i always won..I even had to kinda restrict myself from not using arty on possitions i knew was there but could not yet see.

I would prefere that this was not possible because we never knew what would happend from battle to battle. tongue.gif

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I don't think you're going to see your suggestion in CMBB. The closest you'll come is the possibility of loading custom maps for QBs (which should be on the list of things that will make it into CMBB). I don't know how it will work to import a map from a scenario into a QB.

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I recall some discussion about more variety in reinforcement options. Can't remember if it's just a wish or something implemented though.

Anyway, many games ("real" games, not "computer" games) have reinforcement tables where you can/will get some of the options, but not all.

With, say, ten reinforcement slots containing a variety of forces, and then a set parametre that 0 to 4 of these, randomly, will arrive.

Then it makes for replayability with a lesser degree of what will happen. Do you have to defend against infantry from the south, armour from the north, or both?

The absolute game balance will be off though.



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