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Another CMBB suggestion for BTS

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I've been following the posts on things that CMBB may have, should have, won't have, etc., and it struck me that I haven't seen any mention of including a PBEM utility in CMBB. I've been using CM One Click and I think it is just fantastic! Thanks again to Kyle for all his great work on One Click. Has anyone at BTS considered licensing this utility so that they can include it in CMBB and streamline the PBEM process for everyone? Maybe they could even figure out a way to integrate it into CM so it isn't a separate utility...

Good idea or bad?


[ April 17, 2002, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: Ace Pilot ]

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Personally, I need the possibility to send the PBEM files myself because I play at home and get my e-mails at work.

On the other hand, as long as the current system stays available, I don't mind BTS putting in more features, but I wouldn't give this one a high priority.


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I use the same system - play at home but send and retrieve email while at work (during my lunch break, of course ;) ). I have found One Click to be extremely useful because it does so much more than just the email part (organizes files, remembers passwords, etc.). You might want to just give it a try.


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