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TCP/IP-support - what's the use?

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I've read around here that some are awaiting TCP/IP-support in the game.

I must ask myself... no, I must ask you; what's the advantage with that?

The game will still be I plot, you plot, we go.

The only difference I can see is that once you've done your plot, you'll either sit watching a screen where nothing is happening, or you'll do something else while waiting.

But - that's exactly what you do when pbem-ing aswell, isn't it?

Just curious.

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I imagine the advantages will be (1) convenience, as you won't have to worry about file swapping, (2) speed, since you won't have to send them via email, and (3) the ability to chat with your opponent (if a chat interface is implemented). I can see where this would enhance multiplay.

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Hopefully, it won't be "I plot, you plot, we go" but "we plot, we go." There will likely still be some waiting as the two players will rarely take the same amount of time to review movies and issue orders, but it will reduce the amount of idle time.

I think the speed increase (in terms of data transfer) will be minimal, since you still have to move the same amount of data around.


Leland J. Tankersley

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I can't see why having PBEM opponents overseas would be negate TCP/IP. I have played other Internet games with "international" folks with no connection or speed problems. (I have a 28.8 Internet connection, at best.)

I'm not trying to be argumentative, but you might want to give the TCP/IP patch the benefit of the doubt. The CM developers have done a great job so far, and I doubt the patch will be sub-standard.

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Couple things strike me about the benefits of TCP/IP:

1: You forget it would permit play over a home (or work wink.gif) LAN. I LOVE playing multi-player games of Dark Omen, Gettysburg, and Shogun while trash-talking my opponent only a few feet away. As someone who gave up his beloved miniatures and the accompanying addiction until grand retirement, it reminds me of happier times. smile.gif

2: Co-op play would be so very wonderful. (BTS? Any comment?)

3: On MOST scenarios, with sides evenly balanced, the time taken to lay out turns proves failry even (unscientific hotseat testing) intimating TCP/IP would cut playtime in half.

Just a few thoughts,




"Watching others make friends, as a dog makes friends. I mark the manner of these canine courtesies and say, 'Thank God, here comes another enemy'" -- Rostand

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I'm pretty sure that TCP/IP will only support 2 players.

I think Stefan's argument was rooted more in the time difference rather than any performance issues.

In my experience, in a scenario that is NOT a meeting engagement usually the attacker takes longer to plot turns than the defender does. The attacker has to plan and issue lots of suppression and movement orders, while for much of the early going the defender can just sit there hiding and waiting to spring ambushes. In a meeting engagement things are much more even.


Leland J. Tankersley

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rossdaddy:

I can't see why having PBEM opponents overseas would be negate TCP/IP. I have played other Internet games with "international" folks with no connection or speed problems. (I have a 28.8 Internet connection, at best.)

I'm not trying to be argumentative, but you might want to give the TCP/IP patch the benefit of the doubt. The CM developers have done a great job so far, and I doubt the patch will be sub-standard.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He he, sorry. I didn't mean that connection doesn't work overseas.

When I'm at home in evenings ready to play, the guys overseas are at work.

And when they are home from work, I'm asleep... so the "problem" mostly is due to time-difference.

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