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Someone was asking about hull down?

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I was reading earlier, but can't find it now, that someone had a question about seeking hull down position and using the arcs...

Well I've been loving the new commands and features in CMBB, and been doing alot of testing.

I went to the tutorial mission and moved the KV-1 back... then gave the order to seek hulldown for about 50 yards... I then watched as it moved forward a stopped in a (almost) proper hull down, (was a little off... but states it's in "hull down"...

I then used the armor only arc command, and any armor that moved into my blue killzone was instantly fired upon....

(take a look at the screens below to see what I mean.)

I recommend you do a simple mission like the tutorial just so you can use that one heavy tank for command practice... even tested the advance command with the infanty... very impressive.

My gaming group (web site link below) have been doing some testing, and were in the process of putting together a powerpoint presentation tutorial for CMBB, I invite you players to check it out (when ready) or check out the screenshots and/or coming mods for CMBB.

Great Job Battlefront!



good gaming to you.

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