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Stalingrad Pack - Morning Commute

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I was having a grand time playing this scenario and pushing forward to the objective, until the reinforcements arrived.

It is not that I received them which is always a good thing, but the fact that they arrived in the middle of the fire fight.

It was not the prettiest scene or the most useful application of reinforcements.

I will adjust the scenario in the editor, but I thought this might be useful to post. Just in case, I will notify the proper authorities.


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In my case, they popped up RIGHT at the right time, at the nearly VERY spot that my starting smg platoons were starting to get fairly atritted. That was just a fortuity though. That was an excellent scenario (hoping for the review option to be setup at the Depot so Germanboy won't feel left out from all the praise I've been heaping around there)

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