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ASL conversion

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i know that this was beat to death back in the day, but i think that i have a new approach to it. ive had CM since may and have really enjoyed the game, but i have had spaud leader/ASL since the 80's (when i was a kid! smile.gif ).

i know someone back in the day some made the conversion and i saw some things that could be improved upon. namely that ASL battles tend to be a little to small, and the maps are almost all "flat". i know hasbro came out and said to not make them anymore or something, but that why i have a new approach!

i would like to take the basic idea of the battle. TO&E ideas for each side, weather, general terrain, major terrain locations, and a general theme of the battle. then take all this and make it more suitable for the CMBO game (more realistic terrain, slightly larger forces, and a little spice!).

does anyone have any other suggestions? would anyone be interested in playing these? are there any old school SL/ASL players who have a favorite battle that they would like to see made into a CMBO battle? all imput would be appreciated!

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someone allready made conversions for CMBO

check on this URL at the battles section and go the the letter A

You will find a lot of ASL scenarios there


personally I didnt like them

defending with 2 padlocked 88 flak guns(with small field of fire) and 3 regular /green mixed platoons against crack /elite paratroopers with lots of cover and the advantage of surprise is not to funny for the defender

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stoffel:

someone allready made conversions for CMBO

check on this URL at the battles section and go the the letter A

You will find a lot of ASL scenarios there


personally I didnt like them

defending with 2 padlocked 88 flak guns(with small field of fire) and 3 regular /green mixed platoons against crack /elite paratroopers with lots of cover and the advantage of surprise is not to funny for the defender<hr></blockquote>

that was my point. the ones that i had player before seemed to be unbalanced in CMBO. they were fun in ASL, but it doesnt always convert as well. thats why i would like to take the general idea/theme of the battle TO&E/terrain/story and make it more suitable for CMBO.

your above example, i would take that and give the germans a assult gun or two, ect. until it had the right feel. then it would keep the story (roughly), but would be more of a challange.

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Ive also played a few and didnt like them at all. One thing I thought of was that in ASL you always knew what you where up against and the scenarios where designed/balanced for that. Maybe its worth trying to play them with full knowledge of the opponents forces? The game will almost certainly play a lot different if you you you are attacking and only facing two green volkgrenadiers the first ten minutes like in Hitdorf on the Rhine. Then after the reinforcements arrive you are no longer the attacking but just trying to hold on to what you got when youre suddenly facing four mkIV with only infatery. You loose FOW but if its ASL you want to recreate it shouldnt be there anyway.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Graaf Spee:

Ive also played a few and didnt like them at all. One thing I thought of was that in ASL you always knew what you where up against and the scenarios where designed/balanced for that. Maybe its worth trying to play them with full knowledge of the opponents forces? The game will almost certainly play a lot different if you you you are attacking and only facing two green volkgrenadiers the first ten minutes like in Hitdorf on the Rhine. Then after the reinforcements arrive you are no longer the attacking but just trying to hold on to what you got when youre suddenly facing four mkIV with only infatery. You loose FOW but if its ASL you want to recreate it shouldnt be there anyway.



thats a new thought. i can say that i had not thought of them. it seems to be that those who have played the already made ASL scenarios did not enjoy them very much. like i said above, i dont think you can directly transfer it over and expect it to just as fun. most ASL battles are just too small as they are. but if you keep the story and apporx terrain and just approximatly double each sides forces, ad a few things for flavour, and you have a CMBO battle that could have a lot of promise!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by David Stone:


Go try 'Tanks in the Street' from Admiral Keth's Scenario Depots site.

Play Allies Vs AI. It is an approximation of the things you are suggesting above.


ha! funny you should say that now. this weekend i went to the closet and dug up all of my old SL/ASL battles. i went through them, and picked what to me seemed like the simplest and what would be on of the funnest. so i picked 'Tanks in the Street'

i took the basic idea of the battle: city defended by ami troops without tank support against tank heavy german troops. i took the setting and the gerneral outline of what accualy happened and ran with that. the map i created, the TO&E i made feel right, so it wasnt exact.

ive played and fine tuned it a few times and its what i was looking to create.

i am now looking for some play testers who would like to play this one out. if you would like to, post here or email me FTOALMA@msn.com .

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