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4 am battle....very weird stuff....

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Two very strange things occurred through out the wee hours of this morning Sunday night battle.

Let me set the stage.

Random battle, TCP/IP game, 5000pts, Clear day, 60 turn max, dry weather, both I (allies) and my brother (axis) choose a VET fighter/bomber.

I decided not to purchase flack guns, unlike my German opposition, who had 3.

About turn 10, the planes came out to play.

My fighter, even in the heat of flack, managed to easily take out about 4 pumas without a scratch.

The Germans were not so lucky...My brother fighter was free to fly anywhere, and had plenty of live targets to shoot at, including a Super Pershing that was sitting in the open area (aka: flat n grassy). Unfortunately I think the German pilot had too much to drink the night before, because he repeatedly shot and destroyer vehicles that had been previously destroyed by German Puma on turn 5. After successfully "re-killing" the smoking dead tanks, he turned his sights on a friendly Jagdtiger hiding in a maze of buildings, just missing it with a carpet of bombs....

This occurrence helped my forces out greatly but I still can't help feeling not fully satisfied with that kinda win.

My question is this: Why was the German plane attacking dead things?

On the other side of the battle, I managed to bogged out a Super Pershing in a scattered tree. Even after being immobilized, I managed to take out 2 Puma, 1 Stutt43 Assault Howitzer, 1 Jagdtiger, and 2 Panthers before a rocket team took me out...Is this really possible? I know the armor on a Pershing is sweet, but being able to defect like 20 or so direct shots? All of these German tanks were at a slightly higher elevation, and hidden in and around heavy buildings.

Any thoughts? tongue.gif

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The pilots have a difficult time correctly IDing targets. A knocked out non-burning vehicle doesn't look that different when you're coming in for a straffing run. Fighters will regularly target highly visible knocked out vehicles. They will also prefer the more valuable tanks over lesser vehicles.

The big quad flaks really hammer fighters by the way. A single quad can and does shoot down fighters fairly regularly in CM.

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:D The zoomies tend to bomb randomly at the best of times I find. Once had my own jabos bomb (and come back and strafe) the burning wreckage of my own Halftracks....ignoring the 105 Shermie that was merrily roasting my pinned grenadiers. Thank god for panzerfaust! smile.gif
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