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A little PBEM strangeness...

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Ok -- don't know if this has ever happend to anyone else but I thought I would put it out there...

I am in a PBEM game and had a double turn of sorts. I recieved a turn where I watched and then planned (the 5th turn and planning for the 6th). I zipped up the e-mail and sent it back to my opponent who then planned his turn (6th). He then zipped up his turn and sent it back to me -- to my suprise it was just a planner for the 6th turn. I have the files saved so it is not a matter of re-numbering -- I reviewed my watcher/planner and compared it to my planner (both for the 6th turn). The orders were exactly the same as after I had adjusted my watcher/planner move! Just wondering if anyone else has ever had this happen to them.



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I don't recall an incided worded identically to yours, but there have been a handful of odd events in a PBEM game. Mostly they consist each player seeing a markedly different movie file; eg one player will see an enemy tank explode in plain sight of his troops, while the other player sees his tank motor up in a different direction and not get blown up. Next turn, one player is very surprised as (respectively) the "blown up" tank magically re-appears and causes havoc, or the tank suddenly appears as a lifeless hulk on the battlefield.


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Yup -- that would be a strange one. Never had it happen before. I guess if that could happen then it is possible that the game could make a mistake and lose track of the order of planning. Still, I am wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them.

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Talking about oddities in PBEM... recently when I fired up a QB PBEM, CM prompted me that Reinforcements have arrived... ??

And of course, I didn't get any reinforcement since its a QB. Donno how it happened.


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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

I don't recall an incided worded identically to yours, but there have been a handful of odd events in a PBEM game. Mostly they consist each player seeing a markedly different movie file; eg one player will see an enemy tank explode in plain sight of his troops, while the other player sees his tank motor up in a different direction and not get blown up. Next turn, one player is very surprised as (respectively) the "blown up" tank magically re-appears and causes havoc, or the tank suddenly appears as a lifeless hulk on the battlefield.


You didnt by chance NOT have a password for this game?

If so your opponent could have redone the tturn, thereby getting differetn results.

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I had something simaler happen a long time ago. I forget now who I was playing, but it happend in two differnet games! The first one I thought it just some sort of glitch with a damaged file. The second time I asked the guy about it and he said he did'nt notice anything... Well I completed the game but never played him again and have not had it happen since.

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